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why OUR CLUB just dont care

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  • why OUR CLUB just dont care

    yesterday i rang the box office to informs them that i had not got my renewal pack and was getting bit narked off with waiting!
    they gave me the usual waffle about be able to print it off on the net or pay over the phone.by this point lost my rag and expained that my st price has gone through the roof and the least i could expect is a renewal pack with maybe a brochure with a few nice picks of this seasons champs.
    i promise sir renewal packs on there way this week!!
    so the got my "renewal pack" today in the post.
    which was a hand written envelope!
    and a renewal pack printed of the offy site and stapled together and no sign of an envelope to send it back.
    been a st holder for 13 years and these ####ing ####s want £760 of me for less games and this is what i get!!!
    the sooner the mittals buy our club the better.
    had enough

  • #2
    Agree, but it's all gone extremely quiet on the Mittal front so as far as I am concerned a Mittal takeover really doesn't seem likely anymore..

    Renewal packs should have been out weeks ago!!..
    Cant believe it, ive been PWOPER MUGGED ORF...


    • #3
      A hand written envelope eh?
      Mmmm....well that's just not good enough!
      What exactly is going on at our club? Bloody amateurs!


      • #4
        Originally posted by twranger View Post
        A hand written envelope eh?
        Mmmm....well that's just not good enough!
        What exactly is going on at our club? Bloody amateurs!
        you being sarcastic?


        • #5
          Was you hoping Flavio would land his chopper on your front lawn and hand it to your personally?


          • #6
            The glossy caterloge we had delivered when tango and cash took over begging us to become st'holders have been ditched then lol


            • #7
              Originally posted by EYR View Post
              Was you hoping Flavio would land his chopper on your front lawn and hand it to your personally?
              no was expecting a renewal pack from a premiership football team.
              not something that slough town fc might send out!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by moon_safari View Post
                no was expecting a renewal pack from a premiership football team.
                not something that slough town fc might send out!!!
                I think Moon is bang on here. We are paying madly inflated prices and they can't even bother to do so much as post a renewal pack.

                Embarassing PR from the club YET AGAIN.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by moon_safari View Post
                  you being sarcastic?
                  Was it that obvious?


                  • #10
                    Just don't buy a season ticket then.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BuzsakyIsGod View Post
                      Just don't buy a season ticket then.
                      love qpr theve got me, just really think things could be done much better


                      • #12
                        he is just making a point about quality of service and value for money - why does every thread turn into a tug of war between what seems like two camps?
                        twitter @silvercue



                        • #13
                          To be honest I always thought the renewal 'packs' were a waste of money, I'm just filling in a form for my seat, why do I need a glossy 4 page pamphlet for that? Most of it ended up straight in the bin.

                          I can't believe what people will moan about these days. Focus on the stuff that should be moaned about, not the trivial stuff.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by silvercue View Post
                            he is just making a point about quality of service and value for money - why does every thread turn into a tug of war between what seems like two camps?
                            why good posters like goddard left


                            • #15
                              They want the fans to have as little information as possible so we don't know what is going on and how the season ticket prices are justified. I seem to remember a reason for the prices in past seasons and brochures about the season ahead

