yesterday i rang the box office to informs them that i had not got my renewal pack and was getting bit narked off with waiting!
they gave me the usual waffle about be able to print it off on the net or pay over the this point lost my rag and expained that my st price has gone through the roof and the least i could expect is a renewal pack with maybe a brochure with a few nice picks of this seasons champs.
i promise sir renewal packs on there way this week!!
so the got my "renewal pack" today in the post.
which was a hand written envelope!
and a renewal pack printed of the offy site and stapled together and no sign of an envelope to send it back.
been a st holder for 13 years and these ####ing ####s want £760 of me for less games and this is what i get!!!
the sooner the mittals buy our club the better.
had enough
they gave me the usual waffle about be able to print it off on the net or pay over the this point lost my rag and expained that my st price has gone through the roof and the least i could expect is a renewal pack with maybe a brochure with a few nice picks of this seasons champs.
i promise sir renewal packs on there way this week!!
so the got my "renewal pack" today in the post.
which was a hand written envelope!
and a renewal pack printed of the offy site and stapled together and no sign of an envelope to send it back.
been a st holder for 13 years and these ####ing ####s want £760 of me for less games and this is what i get!!!
the sooner the mittals buy our club the better.
had enough
