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less than 2000 season tickets sold!!!!

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  • #16
    i didnt recieve the text today , though i seem to be one of the few who have renewed, doesnt matter how you look at it it is truly embaressing that we have sold 2=4k dependent on who you believe, the club need need to make a statement ref signings , we cannot go into the new season having not sold our allocation of st's . my only concearn is that if our loyal st ticket holders dont rebuy we may find that their tickets taken by people whove only had membership since december thus completely changing the profile of our club. if anyone from the club watching these boards please either make that statement ref signings or concede mistake made and reduce the prices


    • #17
      Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
      I'd say Facto is more credible than you, 4000 my #### I don't know a single person who has renewed yet!
      im one and my boy another, 2 down 3998 to find


      • #18
        If i could afford a season ticket i would buy one. QPR are my team always will be but i can't afford it,so looks like my money is going to sky tv get to see all the games shame really.


        • #19
          Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
          I'd say Facto is more credible than you, 4000 my #### I don't know a single person who has renewed yet!
          You know one now


          • #20
            Would be good to boycott club merchandise too - its the only place we can hit them where it hurts...their pockets - and sends out a clear message.


            • #21
              Played Footy tonight and spoke to 3 QPR st holders 1 has renewed the other 2 have 2 kids each and are renewing for themselves but not there kids


              • #22
                Originally posted by SteveQPR1975 View Post
                Played Footy tonight and spoke to 3 QPR st holders 1 has renewed the other 2 have 2 kids each and are renewing for themselves but not there kids
                And the kids are the future of the club.
                Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


                • #23
                  Originally posted by swanleyhoop View Post
                  And the kids are the future of the club.
                  my kids ticket was £250 in gold i gotta say dont think that is unreasonable, thats about £13 a game for him, cinama costs over a tenner


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
                    I'd say Facto is more credible than you, 4000 my #### I don't know a single person who has renewed yet!
                    i've renewed as have my mates next to me

                    upper P


                    • #25
                      I certanly have RENEWED there is noway i could miss out on the quality on show next year. I would recemend W12 as the services are excelent and costs peanuts to people like us......... RENEW!! I BEG YOU TO RENEW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!


                      • #26
                        I'd love to have an income which made me regard the prices as 'peanuts' -- so would many more people.
                        Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Alberico View Post
                          I certanly have RENEWED there is noway i could miss out on the quality on show next year. I would recemend W12 as the services are excelent and costs peanuts to people like us......... RENEW!! I BEG YOU TO RENEW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!
                          i take it you mean our opposition? no thanks ill just watch Sky and join a site to watch streams...


                          • #28
                            Did we ever have anyone admit to knowing those two wonderfully loyal superfans that bought their tickets the instant they were available in case they got snapped up by someone fond of seafood?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by rangerforevereastcote View Post
                              my kids ticket was £250 in gold i gotta say dont think that is unreasonable, thats about £13 a game for him, cinama costs over a tenner
                              Too right mate, my bronze ticket was £450 last year, £549 this year, that's only £99 extra to see Prem football. Less than £30 a game. No probs here.
                              What I can't understand is all the people complaining about ST prices, yet will pay the stupid matchday prices next year. Don't they want to save money, or are they just moaning for moanings sake.
                              Queens Park Rangers
                              NPower Champions 2010/2011

                              PREMIER LEAGUE 2011 - ETERNITY (Oh well got that wrong, we'll be back though)


                              • #30
                                not being big headed but im fortunate enough to be financially able to comfortably afford the increase but wont on a matter of 'principal'..........yes an increase as we are in the prem and running costs are higher is acceptable but for the product likely to be on show and the venue its being watched in it is not.....we are 'odds' on with most bookies to go staright back down now......this tells me they have 'info' we wont be spending too much!
                                you know nothing john snow!!!!

