last night at approx 10.30pm(and in midst of a fantastic piece of facto magic on a lovely bint form chiselhurst) i had to retire to the lavs for a guinness fuel injected 'number two's).....guinness drinkers will be familiar with this sudden urge to detonate a barrage of smoking black gunge.............anyhows back to my point and i offload the aforementioned and to my utter utter despair and horror there is 'no'.i repeat 'no' khazi paper my sheer panic i decide to use a sock to wipe the clingons away( my fav christmas socks as well:angry
rather than my kevin klines which the bint at the bar has already commented on and thus i dont wanna appear confident of getting a touch down by removing them even before we reach homebase........i return shhepish to the bar minus one sock which for fear of me blocking the loos i descetley placed in the cistern
..the next flush therefore not secreting blue block but my number two's ala guinness!