to repeat what i posted on another thread..word of mouth and individual action is one thing, for someone to organise a boycott or suggest it could face legal action.
the lsa were advised by the "FSF" OVER THIS....
for myself i never buy replica shirts and have ceased buying match progs and paying for "qpr world" ages back, i use alternate travel and used to pay on day at away games but as loyalty pts came to the's one of the few uses for the club i have.
ie my money or as much of it stays with me, after the previous hikes..whereas before i always got a match prog,offy badges etc....
the lsa were advised by the "FSF" OVER THIS....
for myself i never buy replica shirts and have ceased buying match progs and paying for "qpr world" ages back, i use alternate travel and used to pay on day at away games but as loyalty pts came to the's one of the few uses for the club i have.
ie my money or as much of it stays with me, after the previous hikes..whereas before i always got a match prog,offy badges etc....