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  • #16
    Following on from Stilts post, it has been interesting to read, on various MB's, how many people wouldn't be devastated if we returned to the Championship -- more games, closer, more exciting.
    Being constantly mid-table in the Prem is a bit of a killer interest-wise. The top group are too far out of reach, unlike the Championship where the playoffs, for most if the the season, can be within reach of anyone in the top 2/3 of the table.

    After all, the thrill is in the chase -- which for most Prem clubs, doesn't materialise. Avoiding relegation can often be your best hope of an exciting season.
    Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


    • #17
      Originally posted by indianalondon View Post
      Love Brian Reade as a columnist, both for football and for news/politics. When you start getting good journos like him coating us off well, it shows how frigging ridiuculous this situation is..

      So those old romantics who’ve followed QPR since the likes of Stan Bowles and Don Givens weaved their magic had a fortnight to bask in their belief that the good old days were back...

      ...and then they got smacked in the face with a season-ticket renewal form which told them that modern football is just a cold, corporate con and that their unwavering loyalty isn’t required unless they can back it up with cash.

      A 57% real-term rise in season-ticket prices and match-day entrance fees hiked as high as £72, show precisely why the rich, non-football-loving owners were attracted to Loftus Road.

      To get richer.

      With an average gate of 15,600 at a 19,100-seater stadium in affluent West London, they spotted an opportunity to turn a great old club into a “boutique” attraction - selling packages to firms, tourists, the nouveau-riche and bandwagon jumpers to watch some of the best teams in the world.

      The doubling of season-ticket prices merely weeds out the QPR regulars who don't have the financial power to keep up, releasing precious extra seats for the new match-day clientele they intend to draw to into their boutique experience.

      Sadly, I now hope they get relegated.

      If only to prove that money-men don’t know their R’s from their elbow.

      Read more: http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/opin...#ixzz1NdUq5AgG
      Sign up for MirrorFootball's Morning Spy newsletter Register here

      Yes great journalism isnt it, oooo I hope they get relegated now ! What a complete and utter pratt, which world is he living in, football has changed for the worse since the 70's and that isnt down to our owners !!!!! It is down to Sky and the likes of them, unfortunately !


      • #18
        Originally posted by swanleyhoop View Post
        Following on from Stilts post, it has been interesting to read, on various MB's, how many people wouldn't be devastated if we returned to the Championship -- more games, closer, more exciting.
        Being constantly mid-table in the Prem is a bit of a killer interest-wise. The top group are too far out of reach, unlike the Championship where the playoffs, for most if the the season, can be within reach of anyone in the top 2/3 of the table.

        After all, the thrill is in the chase -- which for most Prem clubs, doesn't materialise. Avoiding relegation can often be your best hope of an exciting season.
        I can assure you our stays in the top division have never been dull, 1978/79 apart, and if our owners showed that sort of ambition, you would soon be moaning.
        I would much rather be vying for top 10 in the Prem than the play offs in the Championship or worse.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Kit View Post
          Yes great journalism isnt it, oooo I hope they get relegated now ! What a complete and utter pratt, which world is he living in, football has changed for the worse since the 70's and that isnt down to our owners !!!!! It is down to Sky and the likes of them, unfortunately !
          Kit (as always) top post. Sod him. Joins the sun on the paper to not even touch. Used to use sun and mirror as toilet paper when I was in my late teens.......wish I'd never stopped


          • #20
            Originally posted by swanleyhoop View Post
            Following on from Stilts post, it has been interesting to read, on various MB's, how many people wouldn't be devastated if we returned to the Championship -- more games, closer, more exciting.
            Being constantly mid-table in the Prem is a bit of a killer interest-wise. The top group are too far out of reach, unlike the Championship where the playoffs, for most if the the season, can be within reach of anyone in the top 2/3 of the table.

            After all, the thrill is in the chase -- which for most Prem clubs, doesn't materialise. Avoiding relegation can often be your best hope of an exciting season.
            Strange post really, premiership all day long and I think this raving about the championship is a little far fetched. The thing I like about the premiership is that it will protect flair and skill, so players like Adel will get some protection.
            I played sunday league football today.

            Clearly I was the best player on the pitch.

            I scored 5 and made 7 last ditch tackles.

            We lost 5-0 but the rest of my team were sh it!


            • #21
              Anyone else think it could turn a bit nasty next season with these tourist ***** on package deals and middle class johnny come latelys and the LR regulars?


              • #22
                Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
                Anyone else think it could turn a bit nasty next season with these tourist ***** on package deals and middle class johnny come latelys and the LR regulars?
                what worse then the fans are too each other now?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Stilts View Post
                  Well sorry, but he may be a good bloke, and a top journo etc
                  But anyone who hopes we are relegated, leaving the "real fans" (he seems to care for so much) devastated, purely to make some moral point to the owners, is basically a c**t in my eyes.

                  Fans of other clubs, and plenty of media observers may agree with his little wish, but any decent points he may make about the prices are flushed down the sh*tter with his cosy solution.

                  Like I say: Just another c**t.
                  Stilts is right, anyone wishing relegation for QPR, is no friend of QPR supporters.
                  Reade does make some good points, and then lets himself down, badly!


                  • #24
                    Firstly, I don't read Newspapers, all sh..e.

                    The sad fact is, this board and the other boards are only a small reflection of our fans and there will be many who don't care what the price is and will pay. Our ground will be full week-in, week-out. It may be full of coporates, jonny-come-latelys or whoever, but it will be full and it ain't like the atmosphere will be any quieter, is it!?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by 3London View Post
                      Fulhams season tickets go from £379 to £939 no concessions..but what they do do which i think would be a good idea is have more variety in there pricing..so there is someting for everyone..whilst my seat is pretty good for views if i were one row back or 3 seats to the left i would feel it was hardly a platinum experience.!!
                      On comparing our prices to Foolham is as said here no cocession where we do have concessions for under 8 under 16 etc. On other post heard people say Foolham cheaper than us etc. What do people want us to lower adults prices to same as Foolham with no concessions or keep it he same with cocessions

