the zero budget,zero brained,mina birded board
free transfers and conferance players is all that we can afford
no wonder im on high blood pressure tablets and ive gone bald
whats wrong with my little club,there losing thousands every week
and now there trying to remorgage once again as we speek
we thought we were getting venables but ended up with this geek
weve bought eight center halves and havent got a team
but people on this message board tell me it aint as bad as it may team
ive always done what im told and beleive the streets are paved with gold
but im fed up with this bull and im just getting far too old
lets make factomondo manager and watch our little club grow
because this postman from essex is really in the know
an ex millitaryman hell bring some sense of urgency he will install some pride
for all those people who wont pull their weight theres knowhere they can hide
free transfers and conferance players is all that we can afford
no wonder im on high blood pressure tablets and ive gone bald
whats wrong with my little club,there losing thousands every week
and now there trying to remorgage once again as we speek
we thought we were getting venables but ended up with this geek
weve bought eight center halves and havent got a team
but people on this message board tell me it aint as bad as it may team
ive always done what im told and beleive the streets are paved with gold
but im fed up with this bull and im just getting far too old
lets make factomondo manager and watch our little club grow
because this postman from essex is really in the know
an ex millitaryman hell bring some sense of urgency he will install some pride
for all those people who wont pull their weight theres knowhere they can hide