good post w12....... surely our billionaire owners could subsidise tickets so at least our long suffering fans can enjoy maybe just 1 season in the PL..... before there is such a massive price hike....
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ST's To Rise By 35%
W12 great post plus if the 35% increase if true is going to occur then it will imho place alot of pressure on the board and team.
Im one of those easy going fans in that i pay for my gold s/t and turn up, i'm not really critical of the club if we don't have big signings etc, however for me a £808 s/t when other clubs are so much cheaper is going to turn me into one of those "militant fans" that complain about everything.
I could kinda understand when Gold went to £599 as we needed as a club to get out of that toilet league but we havent achieved anything yet in the premiership and a price of £808 seems far to harsh.
If the club had simply frozen prices, then I think alot of fans would have been grateful and relieved and then if results early season started going against us would on the whole show compassion but paying £808 for not even the best ticket in the ground for a newly promoted club is taking the p*** and as you say could back fire on the club.
We might as well get used to hearing the words " I paid nearly a grand to watch this %*@" and the rest of us will be nodding in approval of those words.
Where's that credit card!!!!
Last time we in the prem I did not have season ticket as was easy to get tickets I like most will this season renew my season ticket but next season my think about as I believe unless we looking at top 6 our ground will only get around 12k most games expect for the big 6 and it be like before buy this ticket you can have this game. Like most saying think the club should think really hard before put these increase in.
Originally posted by SteveQPR1975 View PostFor me it's not the price but the amount of st sales
Originally posted by QPRWEBBIE View PostTotally agree,i went down the box office to ask how the season tkts will be dished out and obviously current season tkt holders get first option to re new but then........................."any" current member can apply for the extra 400/500/1000 whatever they decide to make available. I explained to the them for the past 2 seasons i havnt had the money to lay out for a s/t but went to 39 games season before last and 42 games last season so thought they may use the loyalty points from last season to give the people who go regular first option,but no,somebody who got a membership for the "last" 4 games has the same rights as somebody who goes all season.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On another similar note I wonder how much time existing season ticket holders will get to renew and stump up the cash before losing their right to buy one first in the queue?
Originally posted by IsleworthRanger View PostThat is just plain crazy
On another similar note I wonder how much time existing season ticket holders will get to renew and stump up the cash before losing their right to buy one first in the queue?
Originally posted by QPRWEBBIE View PostTotally agree,i went down the box office to ask how the season tkts will be dished out and obviously current season tkt holders get first option to re new but then........................."any" current member can apply for the extra 400/500/1000 whatever they decide to make available. I explained to the them for the past 2 seasons i havnt had the money to lay out for a s/t but went to 39 games season before last and 42 games last season so thought they may use the loyalty points from last season to give the people who go regular first option,but no,somebody who got a membership for the "last" 4 games has the same rights as somebody who goes all season.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!R's
Originally posted by paulmason View PostGood post W12 and it is so true, but people set themselves up for a massive fall thinking ST's would only go up 10-20% and that we would be competing with Man City for players signatures.
Regarding the alleged prices for ST's, IMO this is another smoke screen. They have created a scenario where people wont be thinking about how much the ST will cost, as they have accepted a rise, but they will be thinking will they get one and buy immediately. After the initial 9,000 have been sold, expect to see something along the lines of "due to unforeseen demand, we have decided to sell another 3,000..." creating another panic, where people will buy. Ali Russel would be proud.
However, if this rumour is to be believed then then my matchday experience will rise to £49.75 (without early bird). That IMO is not a 35% increase that is a approximate 65% increase in price as I'll be watching 4 less matches a season.
If the Board thinks we as QPR fans are going to be dazzled by the bright lights of the PL they have another thing coming. If they haven't learnt anything from previous experience then more fool them, fans will vote with their feet as I believe these price increases will be a step to far. I had hoped for a price freeze as thank you to fans for digging deep in previous seasons but thats just wishful thinking.
I can appreciate the logic behind a 35% increase in season tickets. Roughly in my head I think the model the club would be aiming for is that every seat sold in the ground for the duration of the season will generate £700 bringing in approximately £15 million in revenue for PL matches excluding corporate areas. It would mean we are trying to compete with teams who have 30k stadiums which is fair enough. However, I know, you know and anyone else with half a brain will know we will not justify this despite a whole summer of speculation with large expenditure on transfer fees.Last edited by W12_Ranger; 20-05-2011, 09:52 AM.
in response to couple of pointson here , it should be the members with loyalty points who get first dibs on season ticket, w12 swanley i agree with you , going up is great but i agree i like the championship , much more honest league and far less predictable, its on e of those watch what you wish for scenarios, i wonder how quuick the novelty of the prem will wear off.
Originally posted by rangerforevereastcote View Postin response to couple of pointson here , it should be the members with loyalty points who get first dibs on season ticket, w12 swanley i agree with you , going up is great but i agree i like the championship , much more honest league and far less predictable, its on e of those watch what you wish for scenarios, i wonder how quuick the novelty of the prem will wear off.
Originally posted by rangerforevereastcote View Postin response to couple of pointson here , it should be the members with loyalty points who get first dibs on season ticket, w12 swanley i agree with you , going up is great but i agree i like the championship , much more honest league and far less predictable, its on e of those watch what you wish for scenarios, i wonder how quuick the novelty of the prem will wear off.
Originally posted by Mellowhoop View PostBehave mate. You play to win, not just swan about in a league which is second best. Take it you walked out at 90 mins against Leeds dissapointed? Go and support Watford. I will look forward to everygame next year. Couldn't say that if we were in the championship!
I can see the point being made, better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in an ocean but at the same time I agree with Mellow I can't wait for the big guns to roll into town every other week.
Plus I think we'll do ourselves justice also which will make things even better.
Originally posted by RLHoop View PostPerfectly sensible approach. Price rise understandable, and not excessive.
9000 season tickets, all existing can renew, 400 new ST holders. This keeps value for memberships as they can get tickets, membership make money.
Did anyone really think prices would remain the same? Deluded IMO.
This is greed and will only succeed in pricing out the loyal fans who watched in the 80s, 90s and 00s and will replace thenm with new 'boutique' fans who want to watch PL football. These new fans will disappear as soon as the club starts to struggle.
The club will be earning £60M from SKY for the season. how much of an increase is that in club income?
I don't for one minute think that the club will be splashing out 20-30M on new PL quality players to try and justify the increase. Fans are being asked to pay top prices to watch other clubs' top players at Loftus Road.
Originally posted by Controversy View Postmy bronze seat up £150 not in a happy mood for 4 less home games
Well this is only the 1st hike with st's.
What about next year if were still there, and the year after, when does the cash cow run dry.
A crappy uncomfortable 18k stadium, well if the 35% increase is true then it stops here and now for me, a prawn sandwhich eater can have my gold seat.They seek him here.................