don't worry, this is not an advert for Pete's favourite site (allegedly) Gay Chubby Dating, but actually about one of the excellent photos he kindly posted of the celebrations. In particular if you look at the one of Faurlin and Warno looking into each other's eyes it showed to me why Warnock has been such a successful manager this season. He is a lot older than me, but the players are also nowadays a lot younger than me and it strikes me that he is a real father figure to these guys. You can't imagine Magilton with all his pent up anger or the nice but slightly fey Sousa being much a father figure, but you sense they all really look up to Warno and he has helped many of them a great deal - you could imagine them going to him for help and advice. They sense he is a wise head, kindly but tough. Long may it contue reigning over us...
