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Do you think the club will appeal the fine?

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  • #16
    Signed off on this theme. I have expressed the point and shed light on this in another thread.

    You have to be joking what goes no here is playground stuff, I don't get p'd off as I don't raise to the bait.
    Populus fui meus nomen , tamen meus nomen est non meus nomen


    • #17
      Originally posted by AndyB View Post
      The size of fine may be nothing more than part of a plea bargain rather being relative to seriousness of wrong-doing. FA get some cash and save some face. QPR get their party and the trophy in front of the fans.
      Saying that though - if it WAS part of a plea-bargain, then an appeal is out o the question I would have thought.

      One thing is for sure - there is a lot more about this to come-out. And I'm hoping it will.
      I will finish of on this.

      If you believe that there is a plea bargain and there was a trade off, this could be challenged not just through the FA procedures but through the law courts. The latter would also involve the FA and the club being sued. Do you really think that either party would do.this or would be stupid enough to do so and risk getting found out. Both parties lawyers would have given advice on this.

      Lastly you do a deal on a plea bargain unless it is unenforceable in law, there is no appeal it is the end of the matter.

      It wont come out as it stands because it is a private matter between the club and the FA and someone will either have to break the conventions of mutual confidence and confidentiality to do so. Or some clown presses the send button to the wrong person.
      Populus fui meus nomen , tamen meus nomen est non meus nomen


      • #18
        Blimey mate - lighten-up.

        Don't take every retort or question as a challenge to your legal knowledge. Was merely putting forward possibilities not cast-iron reasoning and judgements.

        Last edited by AndyB; 08-05-2011, 12:27 AM.


        • #19
          better not.. cant believe that rock was pushed away from our chests! just give them that money( which is nothing to the owners and the 90M£ for champions/promotion money) and move on.


          • #20
            Originally posted by AndyB View Post
            Blimey mate - lighten-up.

            Don't take every retort or question as a challenge to your legal knowledge. Was merely putting forward possibilities not cast-iron reasoning and judgements.

            It has nothing to do with legal knowledge, before you put forward possbile next steps you go back to square one.

            Use of agent £75K, bringing the game into disrepute £800K. Is it appropriate and proportional for making a misleading statement on a transfer cost no in my view. How do I arrive at that, well look at the same charge when managers are fined for questioning the capability of a Ref or that they are cheats on TV, the whole world and their auntie knows precisely the detail. Top whack has been £10K. So you ask yourself what is it that brings the massive difference and the world does not know the details and I am sure that the legal advisors of the play off teams are being asked to consider during the course of Sunday and Monday.

            As Stainrod10 says, there is no smoke without fire and there was a very big fire. Is this all over perhaps not but the more the club challenges the more it exposes the detail behind the charges. How lucky do you feel today is the question.
            Populus fui meus nomen , tamen meus nomen est non meus nomen

