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Deserved embarrassment for QPR and the Sun??

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  • Deserved embarrassment for QPR and the Sun??

    Firstly the club for trying to make out they were spending millions on players. There must have been others like myself who thought at the time, the transfer fee statement was a bit of typical club bullsh*t, taking us for mugs.

    Then there's the question of where the Sun got their story from. They may have to explain where they got it from. And explain that they made it up. Or face an accusation and a possible police investigation that, OMG, they've been hacking mobiles.

    Then if that were proved to be true, the FA could be in trouble for pre-judging us. And totally deserved public embarassment to all parties concerned. I just love it when iffy statements come back on the perpetrators.

  • #2
    You make some good points there to be fair mate


    • #3
      But it does beggar the question is should we basically be fined 60 million (the price of promotion) for what is basically a little ego stroking !
      The whole thing stinks from start to finish and has been handled appallingly, at the expence of us the fans !!!!!


      • #4
        The FA "source" has not been revealed AFAIK and both the FA and The Sun have distanced themselves from any statement that there will be a points deduction. The slant is that there could be. Specualtion is allowed.
        twitter @silvercue



        • #5
          Originally posted by Kit View Post
          But it does beggar the question is should we basically be fined 60 million (the price of promotion) for what is basically a little ego stroking !
          The whole thing stinks from start to finish and has been handled appallingly, at the expence of us the fans !!!!!
          That's what really pisses me off, that anyone could even think of wrecking our season because of an irrelevance that doesn't even stop us from legally playing Faurlin.
          Nobody, but nobody, gives a stuff about third-party ownership outside of those useless twots at the FA.
          The punishment must fit the crime, and deducting even a single point would be out of all proportion.

