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Sun Report with a fine toothcomb

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  • Sun Report with a fine toothcomb

    If this was in The Daily Sport we wouldn't give a monkeys about it. The Sun is one level up. As for it having some substance? Well, let's look at this...

    "SunSport understands (believes to suit purpose) the run away Championship leaders are likely (but may not happen) to face a big points deduction. if (not definite then?) they are found guilty of breaking 3rd party rules over the signing of Ali Faurlin.

    The evidence against the West London club is said to be (said to be by anyone) damning and they could (not conclusive then?)) now end up in the play-offs.

    The only winners would (if this were to happen?) be Cardiff and Norwich who could (that word again) go up automatically.

    In theory (which probably means they will in fact but hey, we like to sensationalise) they should begin with a blank sheet of paper but many (nice get out, could be 4?) are openly discussing the case (They would, it's where they work) and reckon they are in big trouble (Ooh, I'm scared).

    An FA source (nice get out) said: "There's no doubt QPR have broken the rules. They know it as well. The only debate (still a debate and nothing decided then?) is what to do about it.

    "If they are not found guilty you might as well scrap the rules about 3rd party owners" (said the Cardiff supporting source).

    Some within the corridors of power (as with any major employer, maybe even in your own workplace?) believe QPR should be hit hard because they were well aware of they were acting outside the regulations. (Others probably don't believe that but that's a non-story).

    There then follows a bit about Tevez and says Since then the FA have made third-party ownership illegal so the argument is QPR were worse offenders because they were well aware they were committing an offence. (Yep, that's the argument. We know that.)

    The rest is all about appeals and stuff.

    There is nothing in that story of substance and, more importantly, despite our reaction to it's tone, nothing we can do about it on a legal basis as they've pretty much covered all their bases legally. No named sources and lots of "Could, Would, Should" happen. Chuck in a "likely" and an "if" too. Which is what I expect from journalists as someone who has worked amongst them.

    It's The Sun, it's what they do best. Panic over, guys.

  • #2
    he's well and truly covered his backside because he's made half of it up!


    • #3
      Very good post - that report is full of 'non-commitment' words.

      The author's playing a huge game of '2+2=5'.

      Everybody relax. We'll know soon enough. In the meantime we need positive energy behind the lads, not doom and gloom.
      Be nice to Minty


      • #4
        Very fair observations.

        The only 'level up' the Sun is from the Sport is that the Sun thinks it's a newspaper (no one else does) and the Sport knows it's just a comic.


        • #5
          Best post i've read on here on the matter, totally trying to sh*t
          stir before our massive game @ watford, like i've said before, i
          sometimes don't believe the dates on the top of the pages of
          these so-called newspapers.

          C'MON U R'sssssssss!!


          • #6
            Top post and its how i read it! But could not string the words together as well as you have !

            Bottom line is there is nothing we/us can do now other than wait and get behind the lads for the next 2 games


            • #7
              We could be deducted, could be this, could be that.

              Nobody knows anything.

              And tbh it's been stated that an ex player or manager is to sit on a 4 man panel and as a pro, they surely wouldn't allow a seasons work to be thrown away due to off the pitch mistakes


              • #8
                Should be a uni lecturer on Journalism, top notch stuff mate. Knew it was all bull, nice to see it shown for what it really is.

                Whatever happends Rangers till i die!
                QPR's philosophy; perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim.

                (Be patient and tough, some day this pain will be useful to you)


                • #9
                  Yeah but if the players perform badly in the next two games then that paper is surely to blame for that!


                  • #10
                    Will be using much of Russ's comments, great minds think alike
                    THE WEST LONDON 90 MINUTE FOOTBALL SHOW EVERY MONDAY FROM 9.30PM http://mixlr.com/the90mfs/


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by qblockpete View Post
                      Will be using much of Russ's comments, great minds think alike

                      Well, a while ago you said we would be just fine. I hope you are right(and ITK)

                      Best team in the world
                      Sort of


                      • #12
                        Please dont let this be true but it is the sun so proberbly bull....
                        Games until premiership end:35
                        current position:12th


                        • #13
                          these stories going round are causing worry beyond belief. If promotion is taken away, it will not only damage us this season, but seasons to come. Would be near enough impossible to recover from mentally imo


                          • #14
                            3 days ago, this journalist said that it would only be a fine.
                            Ecclestone tells Murdoch he will not sell F1 to him.
                            Then the same journalist (does what Murdoch tells him?) and does a complete u-turn on our issue..

                            How cynical is that??
                            Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


                            • #15
                              Is there a connection with the Reporter twaht who happens to support norwich and hates our club.
                              They seek him here.................

