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Poem for today - we're queens park rangers...

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  • Poem for today - we're queens park rangers...

    It's times like this when you aint sure what to do, smile, cry, sing, just dont abuse, what could of been or what we might become, because its a funny old game untill pronounced number one. Theres along way to go, 90 minutes in fact, plus all the injury time, we'll av some of that. Not long to go untill the whistle blows, the blue and white army are ready to show, the champions are here, and thats where we'll stay, the premiership till our dying day, so sing out loud, from the bottom of your heart, we are going up, this is just the start, loftus road is proud to sing the super hoops army we're here to win, so dont look back and regret the past, going up, at bloody last, warnocks done it, he is our king, no more words like 'we should of been' cos its our time to shine to beat all the rest, lets show the world queens park rangers are the best. - Jamie Stimpson !

  • #2
    I'm blind! blind, I tell ya!!!


    • #3
      you what? lol


      • #4
        JSM, here's the deal-io
        ted is the poet, I am his bodyguard
        you are his competition, and I am sorry
        but I cannot allow that..

        you want to know what a poem looks like?okay, I'll do this for you

        Stevie Smith - Not Waving But Drowning
        Nobody heard him, the dead man,
        But still he lay moaning:
        I was much further out than you thought
        And not waving but drowning.

        Poor chap, he always loved larking
        And now he's dead
        It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way,
        They said.

        Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
        (Still the dead one lay moaning)
        I was much too far out all my life
        And not waving but drowning.

        that's a poem, mate.


        • #5
          Typical Fickle Fan lol I couldnt be bothered!


          • #6
            Originally posted by JamieStimpsonMusic View Post
            Typical Fickle Fan lol I couldnt be bothered!
            and you can't write a poem if you died, were born again, and went to Cambridge.


            • #7
              poem for today

              poem for today
              is going up, we are going to stay
              waterbuffaloe is my friend
              hes someone who i can depend

              but its gigis day im afraid he got us beautiful neil
              a man whos nostrils are so sensative,hes like a lizard he uses it to feel
              oh its all ok to wollow in our success poor gi gi cant even afford a meal
              hes mortgaged his house to save our club
              so dont forget to buy him a drink if you meet him in the pub

              todays unsong hero will be a man whos described as bereft of a brain
              yes im talking about flying winger supersonnic wayne
              he cant play for any other team,and god only knows hes tried
              everytime he gets booted out hes sat down and cried

              but this 5ft 6 inches pocket battleship is going to dink a beautifull brace
              hes going to perform so well they will think hes from out a space
              hes a very good friend or qprted
              if you look closely you can see little ariels sticking out of the side of his head

              im using jeffros great beauty to pull all the birds today
              theres something about this we man he has the charisma of classius clay
              but up into the big time we go
              and all you upgrowing poets need to know

              that im not much good at poetry at all
              but im too fat and old to go to anymore football
              so this message board is so very precous to me
              its wonderfull reading you guys extracts about the best time in our history

              tonight the white horse rocks like never before
              i just hope they have got a good doormen on the door
              because at twelve o clock i will make an appearance
              and i will make a speach without a mods interfearance

              ill tell all the nasty posters on the message board what i think
              and they will in defence of them selves, tell me i stink
              but it all matters not lets just hope next season we dont sink
              and looks like cardiff are comming up also but knowbody must blink
              Last edited by qprted; 25-04-2011, 04:05 PM.
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              • #8
                ted, as long as you are alive, I got your back.


                • #9

                  yeah buffer your my minder
                  you may only be 5ft 5 inches and you couldnt be any kinder
                  but if anybody hits your ted
                  you will sink an axe into there head
                  Click here to view my blog.



                  • #10
                    arrgghhh! we 're drowning not waving.
                    I cursed us, it is all my fault.


                    • #11

                      well now our time has come,we have climbed the final hurdle
                      flavio briatore is so full of garlic,he must wear a gold plated girdle
                      bernie has got platform heeled boots on so now hes 6ft tall
                      but poor ali has been fired and has bought a market stall

                      30 thousand pounds has been earmaked for the rebuilding of our team
                      but we keep sean derry and pat kenny they never run out of steam
                      jethro becomes world champion boxer and has all his boats at loftus road
                      but still i want more success,i guess im just a toad
                      Click here to view my blog.



                      • #12

                        well we were all so happy dancing round and round
                        someone shouted norwich have scored,thats wasnt a very nice sound
                        the dreams the ambitions the desire,had all came tumbling down
                        and so many fans had bet there last penny and had lost a thousand pound
                        but at watford we will turn things around
                        Click here to view my blog.



                        • #13
                          bernie has got platform heeled boots on so now hes 6ft tall
                          but poor ali has been fired and has bought a market stall

                          oh faurlin, that goalie
                          denied you redemption
                          don't worry , next season
                          you will bury em..
                          don't cry for me argentina.
                          get up and ****ing kill em.


                          • #14

                            yeah its changed his whole personality,what the heck
                            hes really aggresive and continually grabs people by the neck
                            flav shouts hey bernie put him down
                            but the earth rumbles with fear when bernies in town
                            Click here to view my blog.



                            • #15
                              great words Ted, i love that you write me into your words..

