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adel taarabbt.....

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  • #16
    That was definitely the Adel from the start of the season we had last night -- Savage was winding him up in his ear all night and he took the bait.
    Uncle Neil needs to be talking to him all week to get him back to the new-improved version of Adel which we had seen for a lot of the season.

    But he should have stayed on -- he was drawing players despite not playing well, and it really was up to the others to make use of the space. The whole game just closed up when he went off, and the players brought on weren't creative enough to open it up.
    Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


    • #17
      Originally posted by silvercue View Post
      he also had 3 players on him most of the time. In the prem teams will be attacking us not just defending, so he won't always have that.

      The fact that he had 3 players on him meant the other players had more room and did precicely nothing with it.
      Exactly why he should learn to get rid of the ball quicker and move his opponents around the pitch, instead of getting frustrated and trying unbelievable tekkers all the time!


      • #18
        good players like him are gonna get crunched in the Prem.
        It's not about learning, it's about learning fast.


        • #19
          for hulse n aggyispants been better off bring on stevie wonder and prof stephen hawkins!!
          you know nothing john snow!!!!


          • #20
            Adel was poor last night 1 flash of genius with the shot with the outside of the boot.As for the rest he seemed to be more iterested in trying to show up Savage which he couldn't do. Derby done a job on him.seems to be hitting the floor a bit to easily at the moment, all teams are going to do the same to him, what should be happening is when other teams concentrate on him so much other players should step up to the mark which isn't happening. another poor miss from Routledge he could have won us the title by nowwhat with the 1 at scunny as well. for me last night only Paddy & Smith seemed to be at it.


            • #21
              Originally posted by factamondo View Post
              for hulse n aggyispants been better off bring on stevie wonder and prof stephen hawkins!!
              Stevie would prob have had a blinder and with Stephen on the pitch we would`ve been rolling all over them


              • #22
                Originally posted by dave58 View Post
                Adel was poor last night 1 flash of genius with the shot with the outside of the boot.As for the rest he seemed to be more iterested in trying to show up Savage which he couldn't do. Derby done a job on him.seems to be hitting the floor a bit to easily at the moment, all teams are going to do the same to him, what should be happening is when other teams concentrate on him so much other players should step up to the mark which isn't happening. another poor miss from Routledge he could have won us the title by nowwhat with the 1 at scunny as well. for me last night only Paddy & Smith seemed to be at it.
                pretty well sums up last night perfectly
                I must away now, I can no longer tarry
                This morning's tempest I have to cross
                I must be guided without a stumble
                Into the arms I love the most


                • #23
                  the most harshly judged player in the leauge, its the ****ing media telling everyone over and over again about his temper and people start to get carried away with it. He is the best player in the league by a country mile and also the most subbed, wouldnt that **** you off? Savage is harping on for days about taking him on, yet he isnt given the chance to give it back.

                  He has passion, something we've needed for years (before this season) i love that he hates being subbed, unless he scored a hatrick last night everyone was going to say that savage stopped him, but did he really?? adel was the best player in the first half and fairplay didnt do anything in the second before he was subbed but who really did?


                  • #24
                    I think he is subbed for his own protection and to avaid being sent off, Warnock wanted him on the pitch for CC, not serving a suspension, or worse, injured. Nothing wrong with protecting your prized asset. Adel will understand this in due course.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by winalotto View Post
                      Problem with him is the more he gets wound up by close attention the more he tries his showboats skills and the less he thinks about the game, instead of nutmegs,step overs ,if he simply passed and moved he would with his undoubted skill, be able to come out on top even with 3 men marking him. Until he thinks team mates he'll never be world class and as for Madrid or Arsenal wanting him, laughable,until he can weigh up the game situation he's nowhere near the player he thinks he is.

                      Spot on!
                      Best team in the world
                      Sort of


                      • #26
                        winalotto, you have a point, but I said the same thing you said in christiano's first season, too much show boating and 7 step overs. Now look at him.

