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I will clutch any straw

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  • I will clutch any straw

    Tony Inchenzo this morning on Talksport telling Alan Brazil that he has spoken to those at the top at QPR,the Media and the FA and he reckons that all the signs are we will just be getting a fine

    How anyone knows for sure to let him know this information is anyones guess but he did sound very confident in what he was saying

    My old mucker JJ will be saying this is all spin from me of course and go scampering back to spread some unrest

  • #2
    if anyone has inside info tony inchenzo will , but as said by others on talksport , no club has ever been deducted points for the charges we have against us if proven right.


    • #3
      the timing (enforced on the FA) will giv ethem an easy get out and just give us a fine or points deduction less than our lead over 2nd place.
      twitter @silvercue



      • #4
        Cinzano is a long in the tooth respected London football journo with a decent contacts list.

        Would just add a note of caution to remind everyone it is not an FA decision but one of an independent panel (with one FA rep) who make recommedations to the FA.


        • #5
          On BBC London last night they made the point that if we were deducted points we would of course appeal which would then mean the possibility that the play-offs couldn't take place.


          • #6
            Hurrah, a positive post, which backs up everything my dad has said.
            Incenzo, as others have stated, is well-informed, well-respected and has extremely good contacts in the footballing world.

            This without a doubt is the most upllifting piece of news I've heard for a couple of weeks on this issue.
            I could almost forget about last night...

            Onwards to Cardiff!!
            Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


            • #7

              yes i agree apart from the great beauty of swanley hoop this is also for me the most uplifting experience of my life
              Click here to view my blog.



              • #8
                Tony Incenzo beat me to a job once.

                I'm over it. :angry:

