I know there a number of people trying to work out exactly when we will get promoted but i think once the season finishes we will look back and relalise that April 12th 2011 was the night we actually 'mathematically' got promoted. I cannot see Norwich or Swansea getting more than 82pts to be honest.
Let's face it, we know it and the players know it. Tonight was the night. Next Monday will without question seal it and one more win after that and we are champions!
So everyone stop trying to work out all the scenario's with other teams dropping points...............it's in the bag!
Next Monday i think is going to be a special night....
Let's face it, we know it and the players know it. Tonight was the night. Next Monday will without question seal it and one more win after that and we are champions!
So everyone stop trying to work out all the scenario's with other teams dropping points...............it's in the bag!
Next Monday i think is going to be a special night....
