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  • De-fence....

    Got painted as I was so miffed with the result I decided to carry on painting the garden fence that I started and got thoroughly bored doing a few weeks back.......

    The only crumb of positivity that I can draw from today's result and whilst I wasn't there it sounded hideous listening to the commentary....:angry:

    I feel like I have had a major organ ripped out... never taken R's defeats very well, can sometimes sulk for days on end but seems even worse when you've nearly forgotten what it's like to lose...

    Easy enough to say after the event but I did have a slight worry after they were battered 6-0 last time out and we were obviously on the receiving end plus they must've raised their game...

    Still, lets hope we can take out similar frustrations against the Tykes on Tues although they had a decent win today....

    B.O.L.L.O.C.K.S.............................:angry :

  • #2
    I hope de-fence in your garden looks better than our de-fence looked today!
    Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


    • #3
      Spick N Span...

      Originally posted by swanleyhoop View Post
      I hope de-fence in your garden looks better than our de-fence looked today!
      and solid as a rock... unlike......... well you know the rest!!!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by ahR View Post
        and solid as a rock... unlike......... well you know the rest!!!!
        Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########

