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can go fourteen points clear in reality mon nite

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Connell10 View Post
    I just put in a search for inflatables on amazon and ive ordered something i wont be taking to a football match! Now where did i put me puncher repair kit just in case!

    I knew it would be satisfaction guaranteed!
    Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


    • #17
      Originally posted by Youvebeenrangered View Post
      Norwich were always gonna win today, thought Swansea would win aswell though..

      13 points clear if we can win and yeah might aswell be 14 with our goal difference..

      IF we win that is!!...
      IF we win, 14 pnts (might as well be) clear with 7 games remaining....We could afford to draw the last 7!!


      • #18
        I'm sure Forest went to Scunny expecting to win when they were in 2nd spot. They lost one-nil. Or was it Cardiff or Swansea? It was someone anyway. Yes we should aim for 6 points in the next two games but we should also credit the 22 plus subs professional footballers we will face with a chance.

        We have beaten a few top of the league teams when we've been knocking around the bottom.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Connell10 View Post
          Come lets get ARROGANT we will stuff utd 5-0 and easy beat scunny by at least 8 goals!!!!! God that felt good , im really not used to such postive outbursts what with being a rangers fan and all! By the way just out of interest where did you get two blow up saxaphones from swanley?
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