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Can I just tell you about my day?

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  • Can I just tell you about my day?

    No, it has absolutely nothing about QPR but I'm going to tell you anyway. My wife told me I had to be down in Cornwall first thing so I knew I'd have to set off at the crack of sparrows. In the event I couldn't sleep as I kept thinking I'd miss my alarm. So at about 3am I thought "Oh well, no point lying in bed, might as well set off". Drove for hours through torrential rain down West Country lanes which grew narrower and narrower. Come about 7.30am was just crunching up the drive of the naval base I had to visit when my wife rang on the mobile: "Oh sorry love, It's actually next week rather than today that you are due there. You'd better turn back." And so I did, and am not long through the door. You know how you feel after the Rs have been thumped? Well I feel like I've been thumped. Plse someone do something to cheer me up, like telling me we really will sign Krancjar or they have a couple of tickets to sell me for Leeds or that they have some painless medicine to put me out of my misery because at the moment I'm not feeling my happiest...

  • #2
    no press ganging this week then?
    Chelmsford City the home of Radio


    • #3
      When my wife rang felt more like walking the plank...

      Come on GT you must have upset someone with one of your un-pc comments - cheer me up by telling me what I've missed. Who is fighting who this morning?


      • #4
        Rics got a massssssssssif head so benny found out ,so we are all bullying him now.
        Chelmsford City the home of Radio


        • #5
          Quite right too. Bit of mindless bullying never hurt anyone. I heard he also listens to the Scissor Sisters while out cruising in his Austin Allegro. Fact.

          Cue: stainrodisalegend waits nervously for knock on the door...


          • #6
            Peter risdale has confirmed he's taking over chelsea.
            PRIDE OF LONDON.


            • #7
              It's true...and a really tiny brain. Plus, I heard he's a homosexual stalker, and this is the real reason GTP has disappeared.
              Your mum would love me...


              • #8
                Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View Post
                When my wife rang felt more like walking the plank...

                Come on GT you must have upset someone with one of your un-pc comments - cheer me up by telling me what I've missed. Who is fighting who this morning?
                Who makes non PC comments?
                Chelmsford City the home of Radio


                • #9
                  Laptop owners
                  Your mum would love me...


                  • #10
                    Calling your missus a plank....talk about p.c!!!!
                    PRIDE OF LONDON.


                    • #11
                      have i ever offended anyone on here?
                      have i ever said something unpaletable?
                      have i ever said anything slightly sick on here?

                      Im at a loss as to what the webbed feet kent sister humper actually means.
                      Chelmsford City the home of Radio


                      • #12
                        I have got a funny joke for you, but I think some kids might read the board, so I I had better not post it.

                        You could just assume it made you laugh.
                        twitter @silvercue



                        • #13
                          I hate travelling so much so i've got sympathy for you. I dont really know what to say now so i'll leave it at that
                          Under Les Ferdinand:
                          Luke Freeman, top assists in the league: 4million
                          Alex Smithies, great goalie for this club: 3,5million
                          Charlie Austin, 19 Premier League goals: 4million
                          Jack Robinson: Contract ran out, left for free
                          And many more mistakes

                          LES FERDINAND, IT'S TIME TO GO


                          • #14
                            off topic
                            Kirill give him points
                            From the Hills of Kerry
                            To the streets of Free Derry


                            • #15
                              Ted will write you a poem if ya like Stainrod..

                              Cheers yourself up and read the "scott jones heroin" poem, makes me laugh everytime...
                              Cant believe it, ive been PWOPER MUGGED ORF...

