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Prem XI

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  • Prem XI

    Jeffrey Bruma - defender, Chelsea at Leicester this season. Fast, strong Dutch U21 who is already a great player and will get better.
    Kyle Walker - defender, Tottenham. If possible...would be great, donīt need any presentation.
    Steed Malbranque - midfielder/winger, Sunderland. Great vision, good tecnique and a good team player. Very underrated. At his best at Fulham and would prob relish the chance of returning to London.
    Ishmael Miller - forward/winger, WBA. Great potential, strong as an ox, great pace.
    Wayne Routledge - winger/midfielder, N`castle. Presentation not needed.
    Scott Sinclair - winger, Swansea. Beginning to show his true potential.
    Danny Graham - forward, Watford. Best CF in the championship. Still young and will get better. Big, good technique and vision. Perfect in our system.

    What about this as our first XI:






  • #2
    Connolly shittu?????? dont think either will be good enough for prem imo.
    They seek him here.................


    • #3
      Originally posted by Scarlet pimple View Post
      Connolly shittu?????? dont think either will be good enough for prem imo.
      Connolly will be good enough for the Prem. Most intelligent defender we have. Far less long ball in the Prem.

      He has a couple of bad games and people write him off........laughable.

      Has been superb all season bar a couple of games. Part of the best defence in the land.
      First game: Arsenal vs Queen's Park Rangers at Highbury, Saturday 17th November 1984.


      • #4
        Not writing connolly off, never rated him in the 1st place.
        They seek him here.................


        • #5
          Originally posted by Scarlet pimple View Post
          Connolly shittu?????? dont think either will be good enough for prem imo.
          I believe theyīre good enough, especially if we get the FB:s we need.


          • #6
            Connolly ahead of Bruma at CB??? Having a laugh, powder puff will get absolutely bullied like a school boy against the likes of drogba and Rooney etc.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jeffro View Post
              Connolly ahead of Bruma at CB??? Having a laugh, powder puff will get absolutely bullied like a school boy against the likes of drogba and Rooney etc.
              no he wont jeffro , drogba and rooney will be on the bench for us .


              • #8
                Originally posted by Scarlet pimple View Post
                Not writing connolly off, never rated him in the 1st place.
                Well then you know absolutely nothing about football
                My first game was boxing day 96 QPR 3-2 Norwich....yes we actually beat Norwich.


                • #9
                  I used to rate connors and I liked his composure but he just hasn't improved at all, and must of taken his degree at the same let the ball bounce uni as Rehman.
                  I played sunday league football today.

                  Clearly I was the best player on the pitch.

                  I scored 5 and made 7 last ditch tackles.

                  We lost 5-0 but the rest of my team were sh it!


                  • #10
                    This team have taken us to the brink of something special. The best times we've had in 16 long years.
                    16 years of utter sh*t.

                    Is there any chance that the players are not written off, and branded "not good enough" for the Mighty Premier League, before we've even finished the job and gone up??

                    I understand the thread, and I KNOW we all have our opinions, and are entitled to them, etc.. I know that.
                    But have a read of this, and see how it really looks. They are still battling for promotion.
                    It looks spoilt and ungrateful. We're all guilty of it... it's natural.

                    I'm not writing ANY of this team off yet. Not because I think they will be Worldbeaters in The Premier League... but because I'm proud of them, and they all deserve a bit more than this right now.

                    Yeah I know I'll get absolutely f***ing slaughtered for saying this(!) I understand that, and I'll accept it... but it needs saying. A bit more respect for our team is due, at this time.

                    (puts crash helmet on)
                    Final Version - Hope you like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1z0UQ0eqRM

                    Follow Me On Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/QPRGoddard


                    • #11
                      Well said Goddard.
                      Personally, I would like to see each and every one of our current fantastic squad given the chance to perform at a higher level.
                      It is after all, only down to the efforts of them and the management, that the topic is even being discussed.
                      They all deserve our utmost respect for what they will achieve this season, regardless if there may be slightly better options available.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by qpr1882 View Post
                        Well then you know absolutely nothing about football

                        Really is that a fact, and what makes you such an expert, may i ask.
                        They seek him here.................


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Goddard View Post
                          This team have taken us to the brink of something special. The best times we've had in 16 long years.
                          16 years of utter sh*t.

                          Is there any chance that the players are not written off, and branded "not good enough" for the Mighty Premier League, before we've even finished the job and gone up??

                          I understand the thread, and I KNOW we all have our opinions, and are entitled to them, etc.. I know that.
                          But have a read of this, and see how it really looks. They are still battling for promotion.
                          It looks spoilt and ungrateful. We're all guilty of it... it's natural.

                          I'm not writing ANY of this team off yet. Not because I think they will be Worldbeaters in The Premier League... but because I'm proud of them, and they all deserve a bit more than this right now.

                          Yeah I know I'll get absolutely f***ing slaughtered for saying this(!) I understand that, and I'll accept it... but it needs saying. A bit more respect for our team is due, at this time.

                          (puts crash helmet on)
                          In another forum, closer to the club - you`re right. But this is a MB, and this is one thing that messageboards is about - dreaming and speculation.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by swede View Post
                            In another forum, closer to the club - you`re right. But this is a MB, and this is one thing that messageboards is about - dreaming and speculation.
                            Yes I know that, I've speculated myself about players coming in. Everyone will.
                            It wasn't aimed at your post, or anyones in particular. You didn't write off any of the current players.

                            The problem is... when we are still going for the finish line, players who are currently in the team deserve a bit more than stick on a mb at this moment in time. And I don't neccessarily mean THIS thread.
                            But it will happen more and more, as the summer goes on.

                            People are 100% entitled to post what they like about this team, or an individual player... like you say, it's a message board, and that's what they're for.
                            But by the same token, people are also entitled to give an alternative point of view. A reply. And that's all I've done.

                            I'm really proud of this team, and at this moment in time (there's that line again!) I think they deserve a bit more. That's all I'm saying.
                            Last edited by Goddard; 21-03-2011, 11:48 AM.
                            Final Version - Hope you like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1z0UQ0eqRM

                            Follow Me On Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/QPRGoddard


                            • #15
                              Everyone said that none of Blackpool's side were good enough for the Prem. Look at them now. Sure, they may still go down but they've already got 33 points. More than we had the year we were relegated.

                              Ian Evatt - did anyone honestly see Evatt being a regular PL starter and managing to shut out the likes of Torres and Defoe? I thought he was a clumsy cumbersome player who had the turning circle of the QE2 and the speed of a reversing milk float.

                              Same with DJ Campbell, Brett Ormerod and Charlie Adam - bombed out of Glasgow Rangers, now on the wish list of 2 of the biggest clubs in Europe.

                              No doubt there will be 3 or 4 players who wouldn't make the grade if we get to the PL, but let's wait and see and give them a chance.

                              Remember players like Bruma are entirely untested and very much flavour of the month. No guarantees at all.

