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bath city discount backlash

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  • bath city discount backlash

    bath city fans are in uproar over a 80% discount for polish residents while the rest have to pay full whack, with us handing out freebies to somalians and donny charging us nigh on double than the home support I think its about time for a bit of equality
    I must away now, I can no longer tarry
    This morning's tempest I have to cross
    I must be guided without a stumble
    Into the arms I love the most

  • #2
    White English males ain't equal mate.We are second class citizens in our own manor.


    • #3
      Originally posted by stan_bowles View Post
      White English males ain't equal mate.We are second class citizens in our own manor.
      Excuse me...I'm a 1st class c**t.
      Your mum would love me...


      • #4
        Originally posted by BennyBoyRs View Post
        Excuse me...I'm a 1st class c**t.
        In your opinion.


        • #5
          Your mum would love me...


          • #6
            Originally posted by stan_bowles View Post
            White English males ain't equal mate.We are second class citizens in our own manor.
            And who is running the country, if not white English males?


            • #7
              Originally posted by W12pHilOsOPher View Post
              And who is running the country
              Legalised gangsters.



              • #8
                Originally posted by W12pHilOsOPher View Post
                And who is running the country, if not white English males?
                And they are bending over backwards to please minority's.


                • #9
                  They are removing the 'Great' from 'Britain' next week.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by W12pHilOsOPher View Post
                    And who is running the country, if not white English males?
                    think you will find that Blair, Brown, Cameron and Glegg are scottish. thats why scottish kids have free university places( paid for by the south) and free perscriptions, higher spending per head of population than the south......


                    • #11
                      There were loads of Somalians on a freebie the other week in the Upper Loft which I found strange as this area is solely for members. There were at least 50 there and there is no way they are members. Never seen them at an away game either.
                      First game: Arsenal vs Queen's Park Rangers at Highbury, Saturday 17th November 1984.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by HammersmithR View Post
                        There were loads of Somalians on a freebie the other week in the Upper Loft which I found strange as this area is solely for members. There were at least 50 there and there is no way they are members. Never seen them at an away game either.
                        ha ha ha. actually laughed in real life.

                        what did you think it was the somalian branch of the qpr fan club?
                        they were there on a 'care in the ethnic community' freebie day out. they didnt have a danny what was going on. they only went for the free pie at half time.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rtone View Post
                          think you will find that Blair, Brown, Cameron and Glegg are scottish. thats why scottish kids have free university places( paid for by the south) and free perscriptions, higher spending per head of population than the south......
                          Words fail me to correct all that is wrong in this post.


                          • #14
                            bath are nominated for cleanest boardroom/toilets. extra's after nine neg. nice.
                            PRIDE OF LONDON.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rtone View Post
                              think you will find that Blair, Brown, Cameron and Glegg are scottish. thats why scottish kids have free university places( paid for by the south) and free perscriptions, higher spending per head of population than the south......
                              I've heard the conspiracy theory about the world being controlled by a race of alien lizard people called the Illuminati, but this is a new one. Perhaps Obama and Hu Jintao are also Scottish?

