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QBP - A plea for you to pass onto your mate

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  • QBP - A plea for you to pass onto your mate

    Can you please ask your man to please, for the love of all things QPR, ask / insist to the powers that be at the club to ensure the very best legal representation and assistance is given to him. This representation needs to be pragmatic in the extreme -- that means in no way biased or have any potential conflicts of interest.
    You'll appreciate I am referring to this rumour that his old mate is engaged to act on his / the clubs behalf.

    Furthermore I would ask you to request that the man himself forgets all of his priorities of self preservation that he has honed to a fine point over these last 5 or 6 years. This matter goes further than hero worship, ego, power-trips or personnal gain. This is about the short and LONG term safety of both the club and individuals.
    In short forget any smoke and mirrors to the legal reps the club employs -- just tell them it as it is / was so there's no danger of trip wires in any subsequent hearing(s).
    On this one we can only ask.

    We've had dark days of Admin, possible folding of the club and all the rest of it but this just feels so raw as it's current and so, so much is at stake.

    That is all.

    I need some time in the sunshine, I gotta slow it right down.

  • #2
    What amazes me is how people think Pete has any sort of power at QPR.
    Cringeworthy at times it really is


    • #3
      Peter, Peter, Peter...Can you ask him who we're signing next? Whilst you're there, can you ask him to sign my autograph book, and to ask Paddy for his gloves?

      Anyone would think Pete lives with the bloke.
      Your mum would love me...


      • #4
        Pete, when you're in the dock represtining QPR in your part time sports lawyer role.........


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jeffro View Post
          Pete, when you're in the dock represtining QPR in your part time sports lawyer role.........
          Yeah, but don't forget...With his waistline, he's fighting agains sport being compulsary in schools.

          Hail, king Peter.
          Your mum would love me...


          • #6
            Well I'm sorry -- but the fella leaves the relationship between them hanging all the time.

            I know no-one else or other medium to try and get my point across.

            And I also wouldn't trust myself to approach GP outside the club.

            I need some time in the sunshine, I gotta slow it right down.


            • #7
              Originally posted by LBLOCK View Post
              Well I'm sorry -- but the fella leaves the relationship between them hanging all the time.

              I know no-one else or other medium to try and get my point across.

              And I also wouldn't trust myself to approach GP outside the club.

              IN WARNOCK WE TRUST
              Write a letter, or email?

              Or make a banner, and hold up up from L-Block?
              Your mum would love me...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jeffro View Post
                Pete, when you're in the dock represtining QPR in your part time sports lawyer role.........
                There's lazy typing and theres taking the pish Jeffro!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BennyBoyRs View Post
                  Yeah, but don't forget...With his waistline, he's fighting agains sport being compulsary in schools.

                  Hail, king Peter.
                  Yeah but I hear he makes a mighty fine darts player.
                  I played sunday league football today.

                  Clearly I was the best player on the pitch.

                  I scored 5 and made 7 last ditch tackles.

                  We lost 5-0 but the rest of my team were sh it!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by WeAreQPR12 View Post
                    Yeah but I hear he makes a mighty fine darts player.
                    And so he should be as, technically, with his waistline, he's nearer the dartboard.


                    • #11
                      Please please please pete, can you also ask your man to to provide better toilets for us fans in ellerslie road. Cos they are **** !!


                      • #12
                        Was the Harlington gate really locked? What happened to the Mercedes cars, can I have one please? Where is Figo? Is there life on Mars?
                        Banning people is no longer my hobby,
                        but take a look at my photo blog:


                        How and why did I start supporting QPR in Estonia:


                        • #13
                          [QUOTE=Kirill;553293]Was the Harlington gate really locked? What happened to the Mercedes cars, can I have one please? Where is Figo? Is there life on Mars?[/QUOTE]

                          F**k knows. But Mickey Mouse certainly never grew up a cow.


                          • #14
                            There you go - a scab for you to keep picking at FFS


