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What A difference A Week Makes

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  • What A difference A Week Makes

    We are 7 points clear and after the win at home to Leicester City, we were all united, believing that we were within touching distance of the premiership.
    The sense of fans coming to see the promotion party and filling grounds after such a tremendous season, has been shattered temporarily for so many fans.

    The timing of todays announcement could not have been worse.

    How do fans feel now, who have bought the last 5 home ticket bundles?
    How do we react to going ahead in a game now?
    How will the players react to the off the field stuff?
    Can we really celebrate promotion if and when it comes?

    We've all had many disagreements over recent years, but ulimately we all wanted the same thing, stability and success on the pitch.

    I very much hope the FA make a prompt decision, as in some previous cases.

    Its not fair that us fans should be dangling by a thread. If it transpires that Gianni Paladini did any wrong doing, then he should be told leave by his superiors and never set foot back inside the club again. Whilst the whole Faurlin saga had us wondering, we never expected that almost 2 years later we would be charged by the FA.

    I am a great believer in you are "innocent until proven guilty" and nothing from the FA or the club has indicated any deliberate wrongdoing and I pray to GOD, thats the case.

    The worse case scenario would be a heavy fine in my opinion and that could wrangle on and on. Its not fair on our supporters who follow this team up and down the country to give us no answers for say 12-18 months.

    Now the FA have made concerns public it is imperative they act quickly or give assurances that this will not involve a point deduction to the fan base, so at least we can leave the club to deal with any financial penalty that may be incurred. I say again if Gianni Paladini is found guilty of any wrong doing after being investigated, that his position would be untenable, but until thats finalised we can only speculate. It does give fuel to the fire for many, but the reality is nothing has been resolved, we simply have statements from each party.

    We as fans don't deserve any of this.

  • #2
    Good post.

    Until we know fully what's gone on we shouldnt pass judgement on Mr Paladini. If it does transpire that he is guilty of any charges then we should criticise and comment.

    At present, the club is disputing the FA charges so we must watch this space and should wait to see what happens before casting aspersions over someones supposed guilt.


    • #3
      Good post,but i have two question,why has it taken the FA all this time to
      raise these alledged breach of rules??...Do they need a bit of cash to boost the coffers OR are they still raising funds to pay off Mr.BURNS?


      • #4
        If all the FA want is a large fine, we will have to pay it -- would be vastly preferable to a points deduction.
        Bring your buckets to the next home game...
        Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


        • #5
          And tomotoes to throw at a certain Italian in the directors box


          • #6
            I agree with Petes post,the fans ,the players and NW don't deserve this


            • #7
              What I find strange in this issue is that the FA have reported it after 2 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!
              QPR fan since1987



              • #8
                This could be ther only light that we in trouble but not as bad as it sounds that it took them 2 years to find the problem. I hope what being said and looking at West Ham it be fine nothing else and GP sacked as part of the deal that in future he has nothing to do with transfers.


                • #9
                  The problem is West Ham were dealt with by the PL we will be dealt with by the FL and FA. The FA and FL are a lot more pedantic in their approach to financial irregularities. You only have to look at Luton, Exeter, Bristol City, Leeds, Southampton etc etc.

                  IMHO I believe we will be docked between 3 and 6 points and receive a heafty fine somewhere in the region of £2m - £3m. The points deduction will be immediate, say by end of March as it affects this season but the fine will take longer to come through as I guess the QPR lawyers will fight it all the way through the high courts.

                  FB successfully fought off his F1 ban so that may offer us a glimmer of hope on the fine issue, but points can't be reinstated once taken away.

                  This morning having slept on the news I feel sick and Sad for many of our fans who have struggled to afford games this season and maybe spent more on QPR when really they could not afford to.
                  22nd February away v Charlton is the 40th Anniversary of my support of QPR and my first game. Away v Chelsea 3-3 23rd Feb 1974. 40 years of pure magic!!


                  • #10
                    Soton, why on earth should the deduction be immediate?
                    end of March??? You have got to be kidding me, do you
                    make up stories as you go along so that you can find people
                    to get depressed along with you? I have never heard of any points being deducted at the end of the season, much less the end of the month? Have you?


                    • #11
                      No, there is a genuine risk of points deduction here. The original issues were bad enough, but failing to sort out the issues when given the opportunity is just so Paladini-esque.

                      The only potential get out I can see here is that third party ownership is against Premier League rules, but, as far as I understand, it is not against FL rules, which makes it strange that we have been charged.
                      The unlicensed Agent is the real point of concern though (who'd have thought Paladini would deal with one of those, eh?). Well against the rules and that would make Faurlin ineligible, in itself, punishable with a poijnts deduction.

                      Yes, innocent until proven guilty, but this, with all of his previous, paints a pretty incompetent picture at best and an unscrupulous one at worse.

                      Defend him all you want, but we continue to court these issues whilst he is around - the club HAS to get rid if it wants to avoid further incident.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by davman View Post
                        No, there is a genuine risk of points deduction here. The original issues were bad enough, but failing to sort out the issues when given the opportunity is just so Paladini-esque.

                        The only potential get out I can see here is that third party ownership is against Premier League rules, but, as far as I understand, it is not against FL rules, which makes it strange that we have been charged.
                        The unlicensed Agent is the real point of concern though (who'd have thought Paladini would deal with one of those, eh?). Well against the rules and that would make Faurlin ineligible, in itself, punishable with a poijnts deduction.

                        Yes, innocent until proven guilty, but this, with all of his previous, paints a pretty incompetent picture at best and an unscrupulous one at worse.

                        Defend him all you want, but we continue to court these issues whilst he is around - the club HAS to get rid if it wants to avoid further incident.
                        Answer the question, has any club been prevented from promotion because of financial irregularities? Has any club had points deducted at THE END of the Season, ESPECIALLY when they were Leading the table? You can't can you?


                        • #13
                          I think Hartlepool were deducted 3 points in November or December for player irregularities following a league game in September of last year. Plymouth have been deducted 10 points last week for going into administration. So to answer Buffalo's question, Yes points can be deducted straight away
                          22nd February away v Charlton is the 40th Anniversary of my support of QPR and my first game. Away v Chelsea 3-3 23rd Feb 1974. 40 years of pure magic!!


                          • #14
                            Soton I'd imagine Hartlepool only got deducted 3 points because that player only affected 1 match. Faurlin has been a regular in our starting line up so i'd imagine we would be looking at -10 points min. I think renewing Faurlins contract is what has highlighted these issues. Gutted as this will be a hard one to take. GP is a dodgy character and needs to go even Pete's opinion has changed and he's his best mate.
                            I played sunday league football today.

                            Clearly I was the best player on the pitch.

                            I scored 5 and made 7 last ditch tackles.

                            We lost 5-0 but the rest of my team were sh it!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by waterbuffalo View Post
                              Soton, why on earth should the deduction be immediate?
                              end of March??? You have got to be kidding me, do you
                              make up stories as you go along so that you can find people
                              to get depressed along with you? I have never heard of any points being deducted at the end of the season, much less the end of the month? Have you?
                              Buffalo, I do not 'make up' stories as you infer. I have been a follower of English football for over 40 years and base my opinions on history and fact of whats happened to other clubs and individuals over the years. I am not depressed but pi**ed off like most fans to think our best season in over 15 years could come crumbling down. Its only my opinion, this is a message board for debate and discussion. Get a life.
                              22nd February away v Charlton is the 40th Anniversary of my support of QPR and my first game. Away v Chelsea 3-3 23rd Feb 1974. 40 years of pure magic!!

