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Atmosphere today?

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  • Atmosphere today?

    What did we think? Quiet first half but 2nd half was very good imo. Bradley Orr agrees

    bradleyorr2 Bradley Orr
    Thought the roof was gonna come off at the Loft End when big Ish slotted home! Great atmosphere in the ground today!

  • #2
    Poor IMO, we were outsung for the majority of the game. Fans only livened up when we scored, the fans went mental when it hit the back of the net!


    • #3
      As decent an atmosphere as we've had at home all season.


      • #4
        best all season id say. so does neil.


        • #5
          1st half quiet as i think they outplayed us, i thought Bamba and Bruma were good at the back. 2nd half as usual rangers played better and the last 20 the noise levels were good , when the goal went in ,well nutttsss


          • #6
            Watching the game on TV I almost only heard Rangers songs. Final minutes were amazing (obviously).


            • #7
              How many more times do you think Warnock say we got tough test at ......... Will he ever say we got a easy game?


              • #8
                Originally posted by maccatwo View Post
                How many more times do you think Warnock say we got tough test at ......... Will he ever say we got a easy game?
                On wrong post sorry


                • #9
                  Had tears in my eye's after we scored, what with the goal, the noise....so bloody emotional.
                  They seek him here.................


                  • #10
                    when the goal went in LR went electric.. dont think I seen anything like that for a while


                    • #11
                      Fantastic! What a cracking goal to win the game. The timing was superb and loftus road erupted in euphoria. Love it when LR rocks like that! Even fans in T block were singing after the goal.


                      • #12
                        Everyone is so nervous. Huge relief when we scored hence why we all went mental!
                        First game: Arsenal vs Queen's Park Rangers at Highbury, Saturday 17th November 1984.


                        • #13
                          Shockingly bad in the 1st half. Got better in the second, and when we scored it was immense. It annoys me because we make a difference.

                          Why can't we do it from the off?
                          Your mum would love me...


                          • #14
                            Havent heard it like that for a long while when we scored....


                            • #15
                              Same as any other game I would say. Absolute crap until we score. All the noise comes from the away end unless it's that stupid "we're top of the league song".

                              On a positive note though, I've not celebrated like that since Furs' winner v Luton under Gregory

