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Player Of The Year..If Season Ended Tomorrow?

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  • #16
    Between taarabt, Derry and kenny. I've gone for kenny due to the consistency and amazing saves he's made, pure class.


    • #17
      We would be no where without Tarabat. He has saved us so many times this season. Kenny is great, but he could be replaced tomorrow. Tarabat is irreplaceable.
      First game: Arsenal vs Queen's Park Rangers at Highbury, Saturday 17th November 1984.


      • #18
        Adel closely followed by Kenny.


        • #19
          The most expensive player in the Championship...Adel Taarabt


          • #20


            • #21


              • #22
                It would be Tarrabt if he did not have his sulking attitude,i cant stand it when he just gives up on a ball when it is taken from him,even Lionel Messi
                fights for the ball when it is lost.I dont doubt his talent but this aspect of his
                game is infuriating,if he wants to become a legend in the game he needs to
                address this,as you cant carry players in the prem.

                My player of the season if it ended now would be Jamie Mackie why.

                1.When he arrived fans were saying Jamie who,he soon proved what he was about.
                2.No nonsense all action player whos early season goals and performances
                earned us the 5 point cushion we now enjoy.
                3.When injured at Blackburn,we had to go out and get a player of the
                calibre of Routledge to fill his boots.Whilst Routledge has undoubted qualities
                he does not have the running power and physical presence that Mackie in
                4.Before any of you go ballsitic just think about it,before he came Jamie who
                now Walking in a Mackie wonderland.


                • #23
                  Kenny for me without a doubt, he's been far more consistent that Taarabt..

                  Obviously we have picked up a lot of points from the goals Adel has created and scored but i bet Paddy has saved us many more points from great saves...
                  But its not just the great saves that Paddy has brought us, he's cool under pressure, a great organiser and a far far better overall team player than Taarabt will ever be...

                  We wouldnt be top of the league if we didnt have either of them so i would be happy to see it shared between them...
                  We got our Ranger's back!


                  • #24
                    paddy kennys having a party bring your vodka and your charlie,

                    tough choice derry and adel have been great but kenny has kept us in games with his saves.
                    QPR BORN AND BRED


                    • #25
                      For me player of the season is Kenny for the saves he has made believe he pick us up lot of points but it is very close with Taarabt and Derry. Taarabt what can I say on his day world class. With Derry he been soild and believe he the captian on the pitch and new when to have a go at players, encourge them, and when to prise them espically Taarabt


                      • #26
                        Paddy Kenny's having a party...


                        • #27
                          Final Version - Hope you like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1z0UQ0eqRM

                          Follow Me On Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/QPRGoddard


                          • #28
                            Adel... its trivial. Talent skills goals assists craziness buy you the trophies as simple as that.


                            • #29
                              however much id love to say Kenny, ive got to go with Taarabt.


                              • #30
                                adel brings the wins and the 3 points , kenny can keep you at 0-0 and gain you 1 point. I remember people here when they were waiting for that winner goal and the magic from Adel! and he was always there. I remember the hysteria over here and the stadium when he scored that 2nd goal against Bardiff! that means a lots alots to many fans, especially at that time when they were so close to us in the table. I will not count how many games Adel won us I just enjoy them.

