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If/When We Get Promoted rush For Season tickets Will be Enormous

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  • #46
    And in terms of making the ground bigger, the SA Road stand held 8,000 seats in two tiers before the exec boxes were added. The bottom tier extended right underneath the top tier. This type of struture could replace the Ellerslie Road stand as there isn't much difference in height or depth - just better use of the space.
    Last edited by irememberlesley; 25-02-2011, 11:48 PM.


    • #47
      Originally posted by qblockpete View Post
      We have 6 games left at home and we will definitely sell out for those,
      No we won't - FACT. Quote me later if you want - do you know how many games we have sold out in the last two years?

      I will give you a clue - you need one hand to count them.

      And STAN - we only give away tickets to a very few games a season. The SUN promo was for very limited seats and the games were both still a long way from sell outs. The other promos are for very unattractive games. None ever even get 15k at them.

      Fulham (as they were the example) sell standard tickets for 25% less than we do. They have more offers than Pizza Express and their "cat c" games are against Prem sides. Offers do not bring in the crowds, they help, but it is the standard prices that generate more sizeable crowds.

      I am not sure why you lot are obsessed with new stadium and more fans. As soon as they turn up you will all #### them off for being "johnny come-lateleys" anyway.

      We cannot compete on revenue - even with a 25,000 seater stadium. Our best chance to do well in the prem is for our wealthy backers to fund us, which I do not think we should expect, and forget about the new FFP regs.
      Last edited by silvercue; 26-02-2011, 11:52 AM.
      twitter @silvercue



      • #48
        Be careful with that "IF" bit - you'll get hung for being negative!


        • #49
          Originally posted by silvercue View Post
          No we won't - FACT. Quote me leter if you want - do you know how many games we have sold out in the last two years?

          I will give you a clue - you need one hand to count them.

          And STAN - we only give away tickets to a very few games a season. The SUN promo was for very limited seats and the games were both still a long way from sell outs. The other promos are for very unattractive games. None ever even get 15k at them.

          Fulham (as they were the example) sell standard tickets for 25% less than we do. They have more offers than Pizza Express and their "cat c" games are against Prem sides. Offers do not bring in the crowds, they help, but it is the standard prices that generate more sizeable crowds.

          I am not sure why you lot are obsessed with new stadium and more fans. As soon as they turn up you will all #### them off for being "johnny come-lateleys" anyway.

          We cannot compete on revenue - even with a 25,000 seater stadium. Our best chance to do well in the prem is for our wealthy backers to fund us, which I do not think we should expect, and forget about the new FFP regs.
          Have to say I agree with everything you have to say on this thread and I am amazed how many of our supporters have the blinkers on with regards tio this subject.

          Best thing the club can do is leave the stadium as it is and invest in the team and do things how I would described as the 'Rangers Way' which would involve

          'ducking and diving in the transfer market'
          bringing youth through
          selling assets to generate funds when we can no longer hold on to them
          have a strigent wage structure in place

          ...and it would be nice that once we are in the black to stay there and if we end up yo yoing then so be as long as our finances are in good shape. There will come a time in the PL where other clubs will have to follow this blue print as the way things are it is just not sustainable in terms of wages fees.

          The opportunity to build a new stadium was probably missed during the days before administration with respect to costs, unless the billionaires are prepared to bankroll the whole thing then it will never happen. Though you watch when Amit and Bernie drop a little hint about building a new gtround in an interview how assumptious fans will get and start talk about site s and building super stadiums.....not gonna happen!
          Last edited by The White City General; 26-02-2011, 10:18 AM.

