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  • Adel....

    is that him out of the next match? If so is it PNE next? Not a bad one to be missing given a choice I suppose...

    He's looking a little frustrated so lets hope he does something outrageous or unexpected and bangs in a blinder....

  • #2
    unselfish and less dribbles today
    TaarabT Abdel


    • #3
      Don't think he is out, the yellow card tally stats from scratch at the New Year.


      • #4
        Hes not suspended.
        Visit www.iqpr.org


        • #5
          More relieved his leg is still in one piece after that tackle.


          • #6
            Looked as if Forests orders were to smash him today. Bit frustrated with him but to be fair to him every time he got on the ball Forest had 3 sometimes 4 men on him & he just couldn't flourish.


            • #7
              tends to spend more and more of his time picking up passes out on the left wing, but then gets crowded by Smith/Routs, and so gets closed down quickly by his own marker plus those watching Smith and Routs, so 3 or 4 opponents to try to dribble thru. Plus he then leaves gaping holes in the centre mid.

              Pleased to see him passing more and better timed, but he does show his frustration too much. Bet he's pony at poker.


              • #8
                He was really on song at PNE last season - I reckon just his name on the team sheet will put them on the back foot next week.


                • #9
                  Don't understand why do some people demand an excellent form from him every game. He is doing the job that Robe $hit Hulse should do.
                  QPR fan since1987



                  • #10
                    Forest were spoilers in terms of their tackling and some sneaky afters and off-the-ball stuff they had going on. Adel was lucky not to have his ankle seriously damaged, and tends to err on the side of caution if he is done over like that.
                    Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ahR View Post
                      is that him out of the next match? If so is it PNE next?
                      yep, theres a thread here saying he is.


                      • #12
                        No, he's not out of the next match, after December 31st you only get a warning for 5 yellows, and suspensions only come along for 10 yellow cards or for red cards.
                        Adel won't be suspended until he gets another 5 cards.
                        Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


                        • #13
                          Forest definately had him targeted today.
                          Queens Park Rangers
                          NPower Champions 2010/2011

                          PREMIER LEAGUE 2011 - ETERNITY (Oh well got that wrong, we'll be back though)


                          • #14
                            Today, he was pony.... But he's well worth it.

                            (just to save a 6-page thread on him)
                            Final Version - Hope you like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1z0UQ0eqRM

                            Follow Me On Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/QPRGoddard

