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  • #16
    Originally posted by qprjames View Post
    Without being sexist I find the whole thing hilarious. People take some things way to seriously. Don't think woman officials is a big problem though...so long as they're up to standard!
    Like yesterday's steward you mean ?


    • #17
      the only 'line' bints should be tending to on a saturday afternoon is the washing line!!!
      you know nothing john snow!!!!


      • #18
        Its boys banter, thats all ffs, people take things too seriously.
        They had a point too, while that lino is doing her part time job, that ironing pile just gets bigger.

        Keys and Gray have had a long enough innings, they think they own Sky sports. probably a good time for a change imo.


        • #19
          Originally posted by brightonr View Post
          Like yesterday's steward you mean ?
          Oh deah! She was on another level!!! Gonna have sleepless nights after that

          Seriously though, she was a joke! Can you imagine her in an emergency, "slow down sir, please stop running, also I need to see your ticket before you leave!"
          Now, Then, Forever
          [CENTER]QPR-Football League CHAMPIONS


          • #20
            Originally posted by theblackmafia. View Post
            Not very 'PC' Mr Conners, is it? I would of thought a man like you would jump at the chance to defend a womans right to officiate?
            blackmafia, i have no problems with her officiating if she is up to the job. Can she run as fast as all the men on the pitch ? If not, then she will not be in a position to call offside correctly.

            End of the day, men and women are not the same. A woman can have a baby, a man can't. A man can drive, a woman can't.

            To all of our female fans, i am only joking. I would just be annoyed if a bunch of people that never watch football (like a lot of Daily Mail readers) were to dictate who presents our football.

            Was hacked off when we lost Russel Grant (i meant to say Russel Brand). He had a good show. About 10 complaints after the show. A week later is appears in the Daily Mail and all of a sudden the complaints are in the thousands.
            Last edited by conners; 24-01-2011, 09:03 PM.


            • #21
              Er no.......you hear most of these comments every day in the pub or at work.

              The worse one is that female commentator on the BBC!
              First game: Arsenal vs Queen's Park Rangers at Highbury, Saturday 17th November 1984.


              • #22
                and lets face it Richard Keys was spot on about Karen Brady.

                Too many people say bad things about that woman for them not to be true.


                • #23
                  I pathalogically detest Keys; never ever warmed to him - reminds me of a cheesy and banal DJ on 70s Radio 1. Have no idea how/why he became the anchorman for Sky's football with his bland, dull, boring, always on the fence line of patter. He's just some sort of jobbing host who could have been fronting chess, a DIY show, night-shift on TalkSport or the weather but somehow landed footy on Sky. I've not had a Sky Sports sub for years and knowing he's still there has made it an easy choice for me.
                  So, given I'll likely be needing to re-subcribe next season I'm hoping with all my might that they sack the sexist buffoon.


                  • #24
                    'footie'............tut tut!!!
                    you know nothing john snow!!!!


                    • #25
                      So, Keys and Gray weren't talking utter ******** about her ability to do her job? They didn't completely prove Brady's point, by saying what they did?

                      Just me?

                      Fair enough....


                      • #26
                        So who could replace **** n Andy?

                        I always liked Robbie Earles analysis, thought he was spot on most times. Then he got sacked from BBC for something before world cup wasn't it?
                        Dunno who else, Robbie Savage will want a job next year in the media!! haha.
                        Maybe Dion Dublin or Jamie Redknap


                        • #27
                          wouldn't cancel my subscription for those 2 tw@ts..........


                          • #28
                            Fine sack 'em. As long as there's no double standards.

                            In which case, all the "Loose Women" & "Grumpy Old Women" should be sacked for all their constant jibes about mens failings.
                            Even if it is said for humourous, throw away comments.

                            To be fair, I rarely listen to what most of the commentators or studio experts say. Mostly because I tend to watch most games in the pub and not at home and it's easier to follow the action rather than the inane drivel they spout.
                            Plus, half time is for getting more beer !
                            Generally they hyping the game and themselves up, I prefer to watch the football and make my own mind up.

                            Each to their own though.


                            • #29
                              would not miss either of them.........andy gray thinks he is such a big time charlie.....but he is just a big time tw*t. and as for old hairy hands.........daybreak might have him back.


                              • #30
                                and to be fair my comments are not about protecting Keys and Gray as such but more so about ensuring that a bunch of people who never watch our game start dictating who we can and cannot watch.

                                I guarantee that over the next few days that this problem will escalate and as a result of complaints made be people who never watch football that the two boys in question will be sacked.

                                We should stand up and be counted and make sure that a small minority don't get their way.

