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  • #46
    we had a women ref on sunday morning

    ****ing useless who ever shouted louder got the decision.

    plus a ugly bint looked like beller emberg


    • #47
      Think its all a bit of banter and OTT reaction from SKY.
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      • #48
        Originally posted by qblockpete View Post
        Think its all a bit of banter and OTT reaction from SKY.
        It's 'banter' if it's down the pub or out of earshot of the person you're hilariously accusing of not being able to do her job, based on nothing more than the fact that she's female.

        If there are microphones in front of you and you're being recorded at your place of work, then it's a very different matter. They should have known better. Once it becomes public, Sky have got to react appropriately.

        If it's a public apology and a one game suspension, they've got off lightly to be fair.


        • #49
          The only good thing to come out of this is that Gray and Keys not be on Sky anymore.

          If it's not acceptable on Tv then its not acceptable down the pub.It's like saying what Atkinson said on TV was wrong but ok down local pub.

          Its one of life's old old standing jokes....next they will be banning any mother in law jokes.

          Next time Im on a sinikng ship, when they say women first...f..k that...equality i will say and push them out of way whilst leaping onto liferaft..


          • #50
            Originally posted by Spencer View Post
            The only good thing to come out of this is that Gray and Keys not be on Sky anymore.

            If it's not acceptable on Tv then its not acceptable down the pub.It's like saying what Atkinson said on TV was wrong but ok down local pub.

            Its one of life's old old standing jokes....next they will be banning any mother in law jokes.

            Next time Im on a sinikng ship, when they say women first...f..k that...equality i will say and push them out of way whilst leaping onto liferaft..
            It's horribly backward thinking wherever it's said, and you'd hope that that didn't need pointing out, but as Swanley says, it's sadly par for the course.

            I'm just saying that when it's said at work, you can't complain if you get caught out.


            • #51
              Ive no problem with Gray, although he does over do the ref bashing some times,never gives them credit, but Keys i put him in the same category as Lovejoy when he was on Soccer AM , two of the most annoying, smarmy presenters you could watch, give Dave Jones or Redknapp the presenters job but reinstate Gray , so he can make the tea.


              • #52
                Originally posted by DeepcutHoop View Post
                It's horribly backward thinking wherever it's said, and you'd hope that that didn't need pointing out, but as Swanley says, it's sadly par for the course.

                I'm just saying that when it's said at work, you can't complain if you get caught out.
                Have you ever watched Loose Women at lunchtimes or listened to other gobby feminist ladies on TV when they spout about how useful men are ?, if not have not have a look / listen and then you can show your high morale standards when you complain about their sexist comments, but I bet in your books, thats OK.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by paulmason View Post
                  Have you ever watched Loose Women at lunchtimes or listened to other gobby feminist ladies on TV when they spout about how useful men are ?, if not have not have a look / listen and then you can show your high morale standards when you complain about their sexist comments, but I bet in your books, thats OK.
                  Cheers paul - forgot about that programme and how they put men down...but...here's the funny thing....i find it quite amusing...Too much PC out there ...


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by paulmason View Post
                    Have you ever watched Loose Women at lunchtimes or listened to other gobby feminist ladies on TV when they spout about how useful men are ?, if not have not have a look / listen and then you can show your high morale standards when you complain about their sexist comments, but I bet in your books, thats OK.
                    No it isn't, obviously, don't be ridiculous.

                    I think women tend to get away with it slightly more, because they've put up with years and years of being treated like second-class citizens (and I mean historically here mainly).

                    However, blatant sexism should be picked up on in whatever forum.

                    Just because discrimination exists elsewhere, it doesn't mean we should look the other way if it happens in football. Two wrongs and all that...


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Spencer View Post
                      Cheers paul - forgot about that programme and how they put men down...but...here's the funny thing....i find it quite amusing...Too much PC out there ...
                      I agree it is funny, but if sexist comments are so wrong and so degrading, they should not be allowed, funny or not. Does anyone know how long it takes to become a fully qualified assistant referee ?


                      • #56
                        I agree Paul, Loose women is full of silly bints spouting off... Did you watch the game Sunday?


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by paulmason View Post
                          Have you ever watched Loose Women at lunchtimes or listened to other gobby feminist ladies on TV when they spout about how useful men are ?, if not have not have a look / listen and then you can show your high morale standards when you complain about their sexist comments, but I bet in your books, thats OK.
                          No, I have a job.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by DeepcutHoop View Post
                            No it isn't, obviously, don't be ridiculous.

                            I think women tend to get away with it slightly more, because they've put up with years and years of being treated like second-class citizens (and I mean historically here mainly).

                            However, blatant sexism should be picked up on in whatever forum.

                            Just because discrimination exists elsewhere, it doesn't mean we should look the other way if it happens in football. Two wrongs and all that...
                            What law of the land did they break, as I have not seen anywhere yet that they have been arrested and questioned under caution.

                            I think the proplem here is that after they were stitched up when their private comments were recorded, after hearing what was said, the liberal left wing biased luvvies who run the media in this country were horrified that two, white, middle aged men have different opinions to the warm, cuddly, one size fits all society they want the world to be.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Jeffro View Post
                              I agree Paul, Loose women is full of silly bints spouting off... Did you watch the game Sunday?
                              Yes thanks, QPR notched another 3pts towards promotion and Adel played a blinder.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by paulmason View Post
                                Yes thanks, QPR notched another 3pts towards promotion and Adel played a blinder.
                                Indeed , Times are good.. Glad that you have realised the whole "Adel situation" and the idea of dropping him etc etc..

                                Fancy us to get 3 points at Hull mate?

