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  • I take no notice of the ridiculing.

    They use ammuntion which is always win win. Routledge signs and it will be I am a mouthpeice, he doesn't and they will say we are Fantasy Island.

    We are only waiting for official from our end

    Newcastle have confirmed it

    Sky have confirmed it

    BBc have confirmed it

    Warnock has confirmed it ( only to say Routledge needs to sort somthing out with Newcastle)

    Its also been on all messageboards.


    • Originally posted by qblockpete View Post
      I take no notice of the ridiculing.

      They use ammuntion which is always win win. Routledge signs and it will be I am a mouthpeice, he doesn't and they will say we are Fantasy Island.

      We are only waiting for official from our end

      Newcastle have confirmed it

      Sky have confirmed it

      BBc have confirmed it

      Warnock has confirmed it ( only to say Routledge needs to sort somthing out with Newcastle)

      Its also been on all messageboards.
      No need to justify yourself mate anyone with half a brain cell can see you only relayed what you had heard, no one can foresee a glitch.


      • Originally posted by Ric-Roc View Post
        No need to justify yourself mate anyone with half a brain cell can see you only relayed what you had heard, no one can foresee a glitch.
        not true mate, i knew my wife was a wrongun, still married her, no bigger glitch than that


        • Originally posted by qblockpete View Post
          I take no notice of the ridiculing.

          They use ammuntion which is always win win. Routledge signs and it will be I am a mouthpeice, he doesn't and they will say we are Fantasy Island.

          We are only waiting for official from our end

          Newcastle have confirmed it

          Sky have confirmed it

          BBc have confirmed it

          Warnock has confirmed it ( only to say Routledge needs to sort somthing out with Newcastle)

          Its also been on all messageboards.
          you called routledge first and really early as well.
          and you were spot on, routledge will still come here imo, and it is a done deal as far as deals can be done, but hes a veteran at this moving game now, and he knows he will be going nowhere near newcastle again once he comes here, so hes doing everything he can to ensure his pay off from them, and pay in from us for when he stays after the loan is up and we keep him on.
          oh and the longer it takes, the more chance he has got of a club he actually wants to play for coming in for him as well.
          im certain he will come here, but not untill hes good and ready and everything is exactly on his terms. (thats my opinion by the way)


          • Why is acceptable for WALKONBY to give transfer news/updates, but not Pete? Regardless of who gives the information, if it actually turns out to be true then someone, or some people should get a slap for continually leaking supposed private and confidential information.

            Regardless of what Pete says, we all know he gets a lot of info from GP, which is why a lot of us are vile towards him, but why does WALKONBY get nothing aimed at him? He has a source or two too?


            • Invariably Walk is nearly always wright.
              Opinions are like A******s, everyone has one, but nobody wants to see the other guy's.


              • Originally posted by QPRbob View Post
                Invariably Walk is nearly always wright.

                Ah, so it's fine to get leaks if the information passed is eventually deemed factual - wey hey, well done Walkonby, but if it's proved incorrect then the person who passes the leak on is a ****** aka Pete?


                • Originally posted by sirpiechucker View Post
                  That's fine but for your reputation and that of this forums try not to say 100% until it absolutely is. You might be ok with this place called fantasy island but I wouldn't expect Myu and the rest of the mods do. We work hard to create a good board which people can enjoy and not one that is ridiculed by all and sundry.
                  Ah, reading this takes me back...

                  Final Version - Hope you like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1z0UQ0eqRM

                  Follow Me On Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/QPRGoddard


                  • In Warnock we trust--but not in Pete , nice guy though he may be.The man exaggerates so much its not funny anymore.Q: When is 100% not 100%? Ans: When Pete tells us its 100%. I keep saying wait for the offy.


                    • no one bends anyones arm to read whats posted.
                      i suggest if you don,t like it don,t read it.
                      in future i leave it to others.


                      • Walk, for what it's worth (and I know I speak for others) it would be a real shame if you no longer post what you know, even if it's a nod or a wink on a rumour. Pete sometimes does himself no favours but most understand its youthful exuberence that gets him into trouble


                        • blackmafia feel free to dig me out
                          as if i give a ****


                          • This board was first with the routledge story so give pete and isleworth credit. Have said to pete before he shouldn't say deals are 100 per cent but that is just his enthusiasm running away with him - if he wasn't a fanatic he wouldn't have set up this board. Posters need to learn how to read such posts: like with a tabloid newspaper take it with a pinch of salt. And plse stop all the childish feet stamping because your present from father christmas hasn't quite arrived yet - pete is not in charge of overseeing the finer points of transfer negotiations. Routledge is clearly trying to squeeze a bonus payment or money that will be triggered after a certain number of appearances out of newcastle - so that is not our club's fault either.

                            Clearly this transfer will almost certainly happen which is fantastic - whether certain people will grow up or find something more worthwhile to get exercised about in the meantime is sadly less of a done deal.


                            • my source is someone in the press.
                              its like if you get a tip for a horse you can pass it on or keep it to yourself.


                              • Where Pete and 1 or 2 others let themselves down is they try to give %'s on how close the deal is to being done, and what day it will be announced, instead of just saying who we are interested in. That's partly because people go on and on at them asking questions that in truth, they don't have the answers to.

                                Far too hard to say which day a deal will be tied up, so if he says a deal will be done today, and it doesn't happen, people get inpatient and then rumours appear about the board not backing NW, etc etc..

