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  • #16
    Originally posted by The White City General View Post
    How can any of you base an assumption on what a footballer writes on their twitter account.
    'sighhh' is the young black baddamans word for 'yes, get in there im truly ecstatic'.
    like the way they changed 'bad' into meaning 'good', and 'sick' into meaning 'shite hot'.
    didnt you know this?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Morris View Post
      Why isn't he pleased to be coming back? Have you spoken to the player directly?

      Doubt it.

      It's clear to see you have a slight agenda.

      he's not to pleased about comming back, he see's it as a backwards step and thats exactly what it is. i know this because a good friend who i trust is family to WR through marriage.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Brockworth_R View Post
        he's not to pleased about comming back, he see's it as a backwards step and thats exactly what it is. i know this because a good friend who i trust is family to WR through marriage.
        See my other post.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Brockworth_R View Post
          he's not to pleased about comming back, he see's it as a backwards step and thats exactly what it is. i know this because a good friend who i trust is family to WR through marriage.
          That's what bothers me Wayne stay where u r mate
          January transfers can make or break your season NW
          has to get these right


          • #20
            from aaron lescott's twitter(a footballer whp routledge follows)
            @WayneRoutledge good luck on move back to #qpr pal bet your not happy about going back home lol
            Soldier: "im on reconnaissance sir.. im looking for our camouflage expert.. have you seen him?"
            Lovejoy: "No?!"
            Soldier: "GOD DAMNIT THAT GUYS GOOD!"

            Please Follow My Twitter


            • #21
              There is a big difference between not wanting to be here and not wanting to drop out the prem, he knows he can get up with us!


              • #22
                Originally posted by singingranger View Post
                There is a big difference between not wanting to be here and not wanting to drop out the prem, he knows he can get up with us!

                exactly my thoughts, its nothing to do with not wanting to play for us, its more about dropping out of the prem but as you say he knows he has a real good chance of playing in the prem next season with us.


                • #23
                  he can say and moan all he likes(if he is fact moaning) as long as he works his socks off in our final push for that prem spot!!
                  PRIDE OF LONDON.


                  • #24
                    Who the f does he think he is.
                    Dont see many prem teams fighting for his signature do you?
                    If it was down to me id say 'Dont worry about it Wayne, stay up in Newcastle, your obviously too good for us'
                    Cheeky so and so


                    • #25
                      This is a joke thread right! You've got to laugh when someone claims to be Rangers fan who tries to claim for a fact that WR don't want to come back. What a load of old tosh!

                      A few facts for you... WR left QPR along with Hall for two reasons. Firstly from a financial point on the clubs part and a decision made a board level. Both players were costing the club large wedge a week that FATBOY was paying. Newcastle offered to pick up both players full wack, and given in January last season we had just got rid our manager; given this upheaval it pretty much left us with a very small unrealistic chance of making the playoffs and that there was only a very slim chance of us going down the deal was put to both players. Both players were then presented with the opportunity to play for a MASSIVE club almost certain of promotion and a chance of Premiership football the following season so who could blame either of them. Their salaries were taken off our wage bill and at the time it was excellent business from the clubs point. WR would not of gone anywhere last season if we was being run without board interference or if we had a chance of promotion.

                      Make of this what you want, but there really isn't much logic in some of our fans. Some of which I suspect are simply trolls just bored and doing the rounds!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Bigdave View Post
                        Who the f does he think he is.Dont see many prem teams fighting for his signature do you?
                        If it was down to me id say 'Dont worry about it Wayne, stay up in Newcastle, your obviously too good for us'
                        Cheeky so and so
                        Sorry Dave - please explain what you think he's done wrong?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Dazzer1977 View Post
                          This is a joke thread right! You've got to laugh when someone claims to be Rangers fan who tries to claim for a fact that WR don't want to come back. What a load of old tosh!

                          A few facts for you... WR left QPR along with Hall for two reasons. Firstly from a financial point on the clubs part and a decision made a board level. Both players were costing the club large wedge a week that FATBOY was paying. Newcastle offered to pick up both players full wack, and given in January last season we had just got rid our manager; given this upheaval it pretty much left us with a very small unrealistic chance of making the playoffs and that there was only a very slim chance of us going down the deal was put to both players. Both players were then presented with the opportunity to play for a MASSIVE club almost certain of promotion and a chance of Premiership football the following season so who could blame either of them. Their salaries were taken off our wage bill and at the time it was excellent business from the clubs point. WR would not of gone anywhere last season if we was being run without board interference or if we had a chance of promotion.

                          Make of this what you want, but there really isn't much logic in some of our fans. Some of which I suspect are simply trolls just bored and doing the rounds!
                          you sound like you are speaking from our waynes mouth there mate.
                          doubt very much any player in the universe would not want to leave us for newcastle any time, let alone the joke we were last year.
                          i doubt very much he left here with a heavy heart, but id wager hes ####ing coming back with one.


                          • #28
                            Of course he sees it as a backwards step - it is! It's good he feels that way too as he'll want to prove that he IS good enough for the Premiership.

                            This place is amazing sometimes.


                            • #29
                              WR is bought in to play right wing. Does this mean PVM will play left wing? I think he sees himself as a CM nowadays and where does that leave Tommy Smith?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by wicksta View Post
                                Of course he sees it as a backwards step - it is! It's good he feels that way too as he'll want to prove that he IS good enough for the Premiership.

                                This place is amazing sometimes.
                                Spot on fella. You do realise that because I have agreed with you that the power that be will think we are the same person.

                                PS - Are you still posting from an O2 Office location or are you using Virgin Media?

