yeah come on pete im largly thought to be a poetic loonatic
ever since i got hit on the head with a brick
ive pushed out this rap
ive fallen into the trap
of loving to see
how a man with no vocabury
can get so almost a rhyme
every time
its like you hitting your drum
finally our savoiur did come
from the land of steel
came our baby neil
via the glass stronghold of the south
a man whoes tonsills are as big as his mouth
yeah come on pete im largly thought to be a poetic loonatic
ever since i got hit on the head with a brick
ive pushed out this rap
ive fallen into the trap
of loving to see
how a man with no vocabury
can get so almost a rhyme
every time
its like you hitting your drum
finally our savoiur did come
from the land of steel
came our baby neil
via the glass stronghold of the south
a man whoes tonsills are as big as his mouth