My Dad kindly gave me £1000 to help me out and pay my bills,he requested that I do not buy a season ticket and that I put it to good use.
The fees football clubs are wanting is getting the backs up of the ordinary public in these troubled times and really only the likes of the bloke who runs this site and probably inherited money can afford one.
I have a job interview tomorrow and so if I get that it will strenghen my ability to buy another season ticket.
The point is though I have to get out of this childish impulse to be at every home match,so I am still not going to buy one and probably go to a few away games if finance allows to compensate.
It may cost me a wembley play off final ticket but I have to be sensible & not let Briatore bleed me dry.
The fees football clubs are wanting is getting the backs up of the ordinary public in these troubled times and really only the likes of the bloke who runs this site and probably inherited money can afford one.
I have a job interview tomorrow and so if I get that it will strenghen my ability to buy another season ticket.
The point is though I have to get out of this childish impulse to be at every home match,so I am still not going to buy one and probably go to a few away games if finance allows to compensate.
It may cost me a wembley play off final ticket but I have to be sensible & not let Briatore bleed me dry.