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And the award for over reaction of the day goes to...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Youvebeenrangered View Post
    I find it all very sad.

    Complete Loser.

    Be careful. You could be next.


    • #17
      wow hahahaha legal advice loooooool


      • #18
        Who is suing who? They've both got a case!


        • #19
          Jones is just buying time to delete all those illegal child images from his laptop.

          I'll get my lawyer...
          Your mum would love me...


          • #20
            Originally posted by BennyBoyRs View Post
            Jones is just buying time to delete all those illegal child images from his laptop.

            I'll get my lawyer...


            • #21
              So Vine says Jones talks nonsense, what's the problem?

              I hope Jones spends loads on this legal advice. If I was defending Vince, I'd have the case won within a two minute internet search, see option 5!!

              Where a older man goes after a younger child to peer pressure them so instead of saying "pedo" you say "nonse"

              What a self-important **** that Jones is......


              • #22
                lol rowan put him right back in his place


                • #23
                  Well done Rowan i couldn't have put it better myself


                  • #24
                    So, is Rowan Vine back in favour again?
                    Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


                    • #25

                      It seems that his 'legal advice' simply involves trying to get one of our own players fined or sacked.

                      He said:

                      @StevenQPR I'm proper.pissed off that he used the word *****. They should fine or fire the idiot 4:36 PM Sep 28th via Twitter for Android in reply to StevenQPR

                      To which his correspondent replied:

                      @ScottJonesy tell the club, I'm sure they are looking for any excuse to fine/sack him? 5:01 PM Sep 28th via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ScottJonesy

                      Jones' response to that was:

                      @StevenQPR on it already mate. I expect an apology at very least 5:09 PM Sep 28th via web in reply to StevenQPR


                      I can just imagine the conversation "ooohhh Gianni Gianni that horrible nasty bully Vine called me a nasty name {sniff} {sob}. I think you should sack him from that lucrative 4 year contract you gave him.

                      "That's nothing" replied Gianni "you should hear what I've called fans. It's been all over the message boards. It made me very unpopular! I had to take a back seat and lie low and no one has heard anything from me for months now...perhaps that's the best advice I can give you right now. Just go VERY VERY quiet and perhaps people will forget about you."


                      • #26
                        Reading his twitter page makes me chuckle.

                        'Joe Gallen live on air...I'm gonna try something'

                        'Oh f**k, his mobile is off'

                        Look at me...I have Gallen's number.

                        Oh very dear.
                        Your mum would love me...


                        • #27
                          Celeb wannabe pondlife.

