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Steve Claridge

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  • #16
    Originally posted by kron-1664 View Post

    Its true but Mers does not take himself seriously, hes the court jester of the pack.

    Claridge tries to show an articulate sage like knowledge of all things lower league and fails.
    actually, that's spot on!


    • #17
      He seems to be living 1 minute slow.


      • #18
        agree. what i found hilarious was the way he kept looking at his notes so you expected some pearl of wisdom or great stat that he'd looked up earlier but instead it was just some banal, inarticulately expressed cliche. he also has the charisma of a wet sock.


        • #19
          I agree with all the above. I have to admit when he answered the question about why some teams can't win away games, I did have a laugh and thought what a shocking answer where he couldn't even grasp correct english. The fact he unlike merson takes himself serious just adds to the amusement factor. He is so thick that I find him quite funny.
          I played sunday league football today.

          Clearly I was the best player on the pitch.

          I scored 5 and made 7 last ditch tackles.

          We lost 5-0 but the rest of my team were sh it!


          • #20
            He looks quite embarrassed at times --do you think he knows he might be sussed out?
            Or just embarrassed at taking money for being on such a rubbish show?
            Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


            • #21
              if you saw him stacking shelves in ikea or licking windows in a bus provided by social services you would think it was all a bit above his pay grade. he must be laughing that he was singled out for media work when he was a journeyman player and a very sub journeyman pundit.


              • #22
                It is typically lazy and predictable of the BBC to have "recruited" him as a pundit. Clearly the remit for the role was to get someone who's played for practically every club in the lower leagues.... ah Claridge. Let's make him a pundit because by default that must make him and intelligent analyser of the game who can offer wisdon to the watching masses.... Ah no!


                • #23
                  what the hell was that stupid wine tasting thing all about on motd2 tonight.
                  it had no place on the show but not only that they cocked it up, who on this earth can tell the difference between a 2, 6 and 10 quid bottle of wine. if you are going to do it, do it with 3 quid, 50 quid and 500 at least.
                  that whole programme is so badly done.

