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Another 20 sec Stint On The FL Show!

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  • Another 20 sec Stint On The FL Show!

    As per usual we get naff all air time whilst as usual the sheep rumpers get extended highlights.

    I'm gonna stop watching this cr@p show. Besides being under the radar may be a blessing in disguise. Would like to see a bit more of us though.

  • #2
    They'd sooner fill it with pointless emails and texts and this Clem nobhead


    • #3
      I love how they said they said they had loads of comments on Mackie as predicted but could not read any of them out! Same old rangers taking the ****!


      • #4
        That idiot called us a team of misfits and claridge was clearly embarressed. What a berk!!
        They showed more highlights of a hull forest 0-0 than the runaway league leaders. Joke! Let us enjoy our moment ffs! We never know when it's gonna end!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Hoopaman View Post
          That idiot called us a team of misfits and claridge was clearly embarressed. What a berk!!
          They showed more highlights of a hull forest 0-0 than the runaway league leaders. Joke! Let us enjoy our moment ffs! We never know when it's gonna end!
          He was quoting Warnock actually


          • #6
            I`ll watch it tomorrow. They seem to think Leeds are worth watching. They`ll finish lower half of table. Good show though. i don`t have sky, its the only place i can see league goals


            • #7
              Originally posted by Fawny View Post
              He was quoting Warnock actually
              In that case fawny, I stand corrected. He's still an idiot


              • #8
                Agree lads. No hype about us at all. We are TOP scoring for fun conceding nought, Mackie is terrorising the league & not a decent bit of highlights given to us? B*stards.

                Like I said previously, might be better off staying under the radar anyway. Warnock has refused the players talking to the media so they might have the hump with us. Oh well long may this continue highlights or not.

                Manish & Clem-clueless mongrels.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hoopaman View Post
                  In that case fawny, I stand corrected.
                  He's still an idiot


                  • #10
                    I think these schedules were set well in advance, and I don't think they were expecting from us what we have acheived. I suspect if are still performing after the palace game, the schedules will focus on us for the a while. I reckon they set their games well in advance, and they expected the likes of Bardiff and Leeds to be boss this league. I reckon when they set they're schedules in October, we will feature more!?

                    It must be the case?


                    • #11
                      Could be the media also doesn't like Warnock very much, Warnock is a tough guy, says what's on his mind, couldn't give a toss about the media.


                      • #12
                        Maybe so ginger but surely any 'up to date' football media programme should be highlighting the form teams more than most?

                        The way football can change so rapidly I can't see their schedule being more than 2 weeks prior to the programme airing. Maybe they just don't like us?!

                        Sod em anyway long may it continue if we keep winning.


                        • #13
                          Get QPRplayer. The highlights on that are really good.. 10-15 minutes of highlights from every game.


                          • #14
                            Yea I have player Nik and your right the highlights are good. But I like to hear 'experts' views on us & the FL highlights are shown before ours are up on player I believe.

