7 players now out,and despite all the celebrating going on we are going to be stretched,especially if anyone else gets injured.Hulse,Rowlands,Faulin,Hall,Cook,Ore,Ramage all out,and our subs bench will be a bit thin on the ground for the Leicester game.We are doing so well at the moment it would be such a pity if injuries started to effect our results.Thank god we got Walker in ,but we could probably do with another defender on loan or offer Shittu a contract.When everyone is fit we will have a great subs bench but at the moment the bench(for Leicester) is weak and a worry.Not doom and gloom but just being realistic.
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hell of a lot of injuries
It don't look good BUT out of those you name only Faurlin is a player currently playing regular that we would miss. Kyle is covering more than well for Orr and the others haven't really played yet. So not too concerned unless we get any more injuriesI blew a lot on vodka and tonic, gambling and fags. Looking back, I think I overdid it on the tonic. - The one and only Stanley Bowles
Faurlin out till October according to this
Originally posted by Rebel R's View Post7 players now out,and despite all the celebrating going on we are going to be stretched,especially if anyone else gets injured.Hulse,Rowlands,Faulin,Hall,Cook,Ore,Ramage all out,and our subs bench will be a bit thin on the ground for the Leicester game.We are doing so well at the moment it would be such a pity if injuries started to effect our results.Thank god we got Walker in ,but we could probably do with another defender on loan or offer Shittu a contract.When everyone is fit we will have a great subs bench but at the moment the bench(for Leicester) is weak and a worry.Not doom and gloom but just being realistic.
Originally posted by maccatwo View PostHulse 2 weeks away Rowlands getting run out in reserves so be back soon even may be on bench Sat. Hall 2 weeks away Cook mid Oct Ore again be soon. Ramage biggest concern may be out for the season and Faulin don't know. I believe we have good back up to the team and injurys. Also believe that we now in a place where players well come on loan to us unlike before if needed.