Giving Boro the whole end is now looking like a big mistake,their intial allocation of 1700 seats in the top and bottom tier have not sold out,still plenty available.
However Rangers who wanted to buy on the day will now have to sit in restricted view tickets and maybe split up if going with other people.
It is about time the club just gave away team 1750 top tier tickets only,the 10% rule does not apply in league games,Norwich one year only gave us 1000 tickets and Man United would never give 7600 to the away fans in a league game.
Very few teams bar Leeds will sell the 2900 tickets in the away end.
However Rangers who wanted to buy on the day will now have to sit in restricted view tickets and maybe split up if going with other people.
It is about time the club just gave away team 1750 top tier tickets only,the 10% rule does not apply in league games,Norwich one year only gave us 1000 tickets and Man United would never give 7600 to the away fans in a league game.
Very few teams bar Leeds will sell the 2900 tickets in the away end.