now it looks very unlikely smith and hulse are coming here, do you think neil will just cut his losses and stick with helguson and agymang as subs, or do you think he will go all out to get a couple of loanees from the lower leagues seeing as no prem or championship player will ever come here.
the main worry i have is now we didnt get these two players that warnock might even walk out on us now he sees he has got no backing froma terrible unorganised and tight as ducks ass board.
i can get over the fact smith and hulse are not coming, but i would never get over warnock getitng the hump and leaving.
the main worry i have is now we didnt get these two players that warnock might even walk out on us now he sees he has got no backing froma terrible unorganised and tight as ducks ass board.
i can get over the fact smith and hulse are not coming, but i would never get over warnock getitng the hump and leaving.