We'd like to apologise to all our viewers regarding this website going down on the last day of the transfer window, when this website reaches a peak of about 500 to 600 people online it will crash.
Although we have our own dedicated server it seems we may not have enough Ram which could be the problem, in order to install a 1Gb of Ram, it will cost this website an extra £30 a month more than what we already pay, raising the server costs alone to around £140 per month. We are unable to expand the memory for one month only, otherwise we would.
In order to help towards these costs we have provided you with two video adverts along the top of the forum. We provide this website at no cost to you funded out our pockets and we would like to continue to do so, all we ask in return is to help click on the video adverts everyday, when ever you see them and at the same time donate to charity as well.
Clicking play on the video advert on the left is to help pay towards this site and all future upgrades.
Clicking play on the video advert on the right is to help raise money for our two supported charity's, QPR in the community & Kiyan Prince Foundation.
Press play on the video adverts everyday when you use this website that's all and enjoy the site.
Although we have our own dedicated server it seems we may not have enough Ram which could be the problem, in order to install a 1Gb of Ram, it will cost this website an extra £30 a month more than what we already pay, raising the server costs alone to around £140 per month. We are unable to expand the memory for one month only, otherwise we would.
In order to help towards these costs we have provided you with two video adverts along the top of the forum. We provide this website at no cost to you funded out our pockets and we would like to continue to do so, all we ask in return is to help click on the video adverts everyday, when ever you see them and at the same time donate to charity as well.
Clicking play on the video advert on the left is to help pay towards this site and all future upgrades.
Clicking play on the video advert on the right is to help raise money for our two supported charity's, QPR in the community & Kiyan Prince Foundation.
Press play on the video adverts everyday when you use this website that's all and enjoy the site.