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A plea for help, Final update

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  • A plea for help, Final update

    You may recall I placed a thread a couple of months ago about an elderly couple in PU block who were having to give up their season tickets after 64 years of support due to ill health.
    I wanted help in cutting the red tape & contacting the club to arrange -
    a) Some flowers be sent via the Club for their lifetime of support.
    b) The Club to contact the couple to see if anything could be done to arrange transport to an occasional game in the future, or perhaps invite them as a guest of the club, next season at least. Possibly via the excellent Community project.

    Well I promised a final update, so here it is.

    The Club have excelled themselves.
    I'm happy to report the couple will be enjoying their 65th season watching QPR.

    Although neither of my suggestions were taken up specifically, it was great to see them again in their rightful place against Barnsley.
    The look on the ladies face was worth it's weight in gold and incredibly satisfying.

    Due to some feedback on my last update, I'm not going to mention here, exactly what the Club have arranged in the fear that it might set a precedent.

    However, if anyone wants to PM me and I can remember how PM'ing works, my barely adequate physic defensives will crumble and beans will be spilt.

    Suffice to say, I'm feeling really good about QPR right now. Both on AND off the pitch. Roll on Saturday...........There, that's torn it !

  • #2
    Good work mate.


    • #3
      Very happy for them -- I hope the team give them a season to remember!
      Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


      • #4
        Great job mate
        Now, Then, Forever
        [CENTER]QPR-Football League CHAMPIONS


        • #5
          Good job. It's people like you who keep the community together


          • #6
            Give over.
            I appreciate the comments, but I'm no saint and certainly can't claim to be keeping a Community together.
            Shamefully I didn't even know their names until now !
            No, I just pointed out a disappointing situation. The Club came up trumps and deserve much more credit.


            • #7
              Modesty is a virtue. Great result. Well done!


              • #8
                That's a lovelly story, good on you bud

