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No League cup run yet again............

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  • No League cup run yet again............

    F*ck me I'm so cheesed off at never having a decent cup run.....

    Really miffed as apart from the embarrassment factor it's so disappointing.............................

    Pathetic Rangers.... I know we'll get the we can now concentrate on the league brigade and all that but bloody hell wouldn't it be nice to be able to sniff out a Wembley final rather than just dream about one............

    After tonight's nightmare showing (judging by the commentary anyway) that's all it will ever be for now...............

    Just an EFFING WELL DRAM.........

    One day please Rangers one day....

    Ah well....

    There's always promotion to think about....

    What a complete bunch of MEAT HEADS losing to those buffoons from Robbie Williams' back yard.. the worst thing for me is that the psychopathic former Deputy Head Master at my old boarding school is a PV fan who now lives in NZ and I wanted to give him plenty of stick as the c*nt used to give me plenty during my school days....

  • #2
    Can't say I had any of the next round dates pencilled in on my calendar.

    Would have been nice to have pencilled in one though.


    • #3
      Eh? Didn't we have trips to Villa, Man U and Chelsea in recent years????


      • #4
        I wasn't expecting us to win the cup but...

        it's so soul destroying getting knocked out at virtually the first hurdle season after blinking season....

        Plus I really REALLY wanted us to stuff Port Vale for reasons previously mentioned.... ah well, I'll de-friend him or what ever it's called on Face book...


        • #5
          Originally posted by PedalR View Post
          Eh? Didn't we have trips to Villa, Man U and Chelsea in recent years????
          Yes but they were early rounds and and very much the exception to the recent Rangers rule... One win out of those three games I note.... I'm sure you can't honestly say hand on heart that you are in any way satisfied with what you have offered in way of some sort of solace or glorification in response to my main point?


          • #6
            port vale will play west ham united


            • #7
              Oi Hammer.......

              Originally posted by hammer View Post
              port vale will play west ham united
              Still, at least there will be one minnow in the third round.....

              I will give the underdog my backing being as they ARE from London....


              • #8
                PORT VALE IN LONDON ?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by hammer View Post
                  PORT VALE IN LONDON ?

                  Not last time I looked.. TBH I've never actually looked so it could be... he he


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Hammer me old sosarge.......

                      Originally posted by hammer View Post
                      Hope you batter them 6-0...

