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facto's 'thought for today'|!!!!!!!!!

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  • facto's 'thought for today'|!!!!!!!!!

    'let he who is without sin........cast the first stone'.............!!!
    you know nothing john snow!!!!

  • #2
    Should be as he a serial bad boy.
    'let he who is without sin(s)........cast the first stone'.............!!!


    • #3
      you know nothing john snow!!!!


      • #4
        theres sins and then theres sexual abusing ,woman beating cokehead ****bags....
        if you have no problem with him at the club then maybe you should be looking a bit more closely in the mirror


        • #5
          im on about peter crouch ffs!!!
          you know nothing john snow!!!!


          • #6
            course you are


            • #7
              the boy needs redemption............like rooney he has succumbed to eve's apple!
              you know nothing john snow!!!!


              • #8
                why is everyone going lemon.Its notthe Soaham killer we may be linked with is it.Ok hes a t w a t no denying but a lot of Fbs are honey trap fodder and papers love a story .Not saying he did or didnt do it as i dont care,but a lot of fbs are well lads and dont think about the whole picture and if something seems to easy before jumping in.Sky are to blame as well for pouring money into hands of people who just cant handle it.
                Chelmsford City the home of Radio


                • #9
                  Poor Crouchy shoulda gone to Specsavers.


                  • #10
                    Are you bothered about us signing him if we did Paul?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gtleighsr3 View Post
                      why is everyone going lemon.Its notthe Soaham killer we may be linked with is it.Ok hes a t w a t no denying but a lot of Fbs are honey trap fodder and papers love a story .Not saying he did or didnt do it as i dont care,but a lot of fbs are well lads and dont think about the whole picture and if something seems to easy before jumping in.Sky are to blame as well for pouring money into hands of people who just cant handle it.
                      your right
                      poor Marlon
                      it's all big nasty Sky's fault for making him a millionaire
                      Then he just wouldnt expect these lowlifes to jump at his very command and want sex with him....nasty nasty Sky


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gtleighsr3 View Post
                        why is everyone going lemon.Its not the Soham killer we may be linked with is it.Ok hes a t w a t no denying but a lot of Fbs are honey trap fodder and papers love a story .Not saying he did or didnt do it as i dont care,but a lot of fbs are well lads and dont think about the whole picture and if something seems to easy before jumping in.Sky are to blame as well for pouring money into hands of people who just cant handle it.
                        Used to play 5-a-side in Soham a few years ago every Wednesday evening and Huntley was the caretaker. Creepy bar steward used to hang around at the end with us waiting for us to finish and occasionally served in the bar.
                        I blew a lot on vodka and tonic, gambling and fags. Looking back, I think I overdid it on the tonic. - The one and only Stanley Bowles


                        • #13
                          whilst no man has any right to strike/assault a woman some of these 'career wannabee wags' reap what they sow imho.....ive been in a club at the same time as shaun wright phillips and micah richards.both lads two genes short of being downs syndrome n not the best lookers.......hoardes of stunning white girls literally fighting to get the 'nod' into the v.i.p lounge with them........why????.....then when they go back to their hotel rooms with them and 26 hanger on 'bro's' and they try to spitroast em they often cry 'wolf' after when the shame of what they did sinks in!
                          you know nothing john snow!!!!


                          • #14
                            "JESUS SAVES" And Buszaky Scores from the Rebound.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by factamondo View Post

                              THAT YOU LUCAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

