Yeah but i think you are missing a point here singingranger. We have had years of s hit, well since Ollie left anyway. Now we have new owners who are trying to build the club back up again and they may be successful in doing it, but to get revenue etc you need to fill the stadium and to fill the stadium you need to make the place an exciting place to come. Watching mediocre, at best some of them, players kicking and hoping for 90 mins isnt going to get an 8 year old boy saying to his old man, 'That was great can we go again next week'.
What we needed to do this summer was shell out a few bob, make a statement, get the fans excited for once and make fans WANT to get a season ticket, not just get one because 'its in my blood'.
Speculate to accumilate.
What we needed to do this summer was shell out a few bob, make a statement, get the fans excited for once and make fans WANT to get a season ticket, not just get one because 'its in my blood'.
Speculate to accumilate.