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im not convinced by mittell and co

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  • im not convinced by mittell and co

    the longer the summer go's on im not convinced that mittell and co are in this for the long run, are we seriousley trying to get promotion or not think we have spent less then when briatore run the show. for someone worth 27 billion i think we are all be lead up the garden path again this season, just my view on the situation.

  • #2
    you only just realised, bl00dy hell i never for one minute believed they would spend, maybe a little more than they have, but still knew it would be cheap & free.


    • #3
      From what I'd heard about the way they keep their domestic staff I never expected them to be throwing baubles around like Father Christmas. All you can say on the positive is they don't, as yet, appear to be mad so that is a big improvement...


      • #4
        Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View Post
        From what I'd heard about the way they keep their domestic staff
        In chains?.

        In cages?.


        • #5
          You jest! I heard from an English butler of all people who went out to work for them in India that some of the Indian staff were locked up in cupboards if they didn't do as they were ordered. Can't verify the story as only going on his word but he seemed a very together sort of person who has worked for lots of top people - he seemed genuinely shocked by their behaviour.


          • #6
            Would not surprise me.

            Many rich people in poor countrys treat their staff appallingly.

            Think some of our 'staff' need locking in a room on matchday.


            • #7
              We're basically just a toy so Mittal's son-in-law can play businessman and leave the big man alone in peace. Mittal himself hasn't been shy of splashing a few bob when he feels like it - however much on his daughter's wedding, £20m for the Olympic sculpture eyesore - but he's about as interested in us as old Bernie is.


              • #8
                Once there was a time before t'internet when football fans would forget about footy for three months.

                Sorry lads, but the Mittals are the best thing to happen to Rangers in a long, long time.

                They've brought in a good manager. Yes, we'd like some quality players. NW has told us he will bring in a few more - not ideally, they will come in just before the season starts as agents will have to put up or shut up.

                Not what we want but we have to make do. Have some patience, trust and believe.


                • #9
                  buying players on big wages,is not the way to get promoted;getting players on a free or players who want to play for qpr is


                  • #10
                    I don't know what most fans were expecting?

                    They always said they wanted to get football into India and that's what they are doing and at the same time we have a steady ship.

                    We don't have fans of 50k coming to QPR week in week out so we can't buy players worth so many millions.

                    They have the money and they will spend it how they see fit, they have seen the mistakes made before and said they will do things there way now, Let's trust them.


                    • #11
                      the whole thing looks iffy to me


                      • #12
                        As I've said before, Flavio is still the major shareholder.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Insideinfo View Post
                          As I've said before, Flavio is still the major shareholder.

                          Not according to an artical on reports site.
                          They seek him here.................


                          • #14
                            too much hidden and too much spin coming out of the club these days..

