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  • #31
    i heard last week almost exactly what oddpost has posted, major power struggle going on behind the seens to the extent that bills are mounting up and not being paid again.
    dont go shooting the messenger!! just because its not what we want to hear.


    • #32
      Originally posted by hanwell ranger View Post
      i heard last week almost exactly what oddpost has posted, major power struggle going on behind the seens to the extent that bills are mounting up and not being paid again.
      dont go shooting the messenger!! just because its not what we want to hear.
      That's why I shoot every messenger


      • #33
        am i bov'herd........no........gerry cottles n chipperfields could own us......we are and have always been a circus......exactly why i dont do season tickets........a fool and his money are easily parted!!
        you know nothing john snow!!!!


        • #34
          Here we go again. As soon as someone posts what is clearly rubbish - people jump on the bandwagon believing it is true. It must be a competion to see who gets the most post.
          So here goes - I have it on very good authority that the Mittals are negotiating with Abramovitch about buying Chelsea of him and merging it with QPR - honest I am ITK - oh and buy the way Paddy Kenny paid his own transfer fee because we are a bit short at the moment.


          • #35
            dont believe it for one second. as many have said warnock wouldnt have touched us with a barge pole if flavio was still in charge.

            he has even said similar things - IIRC he mentioned how he could never have imagined himself here within the last 2 seasons.
            Queens Park Rangers Til I Die!


            • #36
              I'll keep an eye on NW at the match tomorrow, if he's constantly on the phone during the game then i'll assume its true that Flav is still pulling the strings
              We got our Ranger's back!


              • #37
                Originally posted by qblockpete View Post
                Okay, they are not spending millions but we are a pretty small club in the context on the rest of the championship/ we have a wage cap and I'm sure its the faith in the manager that takes priority
                If that is the case why are we charging top 6 premiership prices for a ST.


                • #38
                  IIRC - Flavio still has approx 15% of the Club. Rumours of the sale of his shares to the Arab guy were false. He has ZERO day to day involvement or any input at the Club. Was told that directly by a very very senior guy at the Club only last week.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Nodge70 View Post
                    IIRC - Flavio still has approx 15% of the Club. Rumours of the sale of his shares to the Arab guy were false. He has ZERO day to day involvement or any input at the Club. Was told that directly by a very very senior guy at the Club only last week.

                    Thats good news indeed Nodge......good info m8.
                    They seek him here.................


                    • #40
                      Good man Nodge. Thanks for clearing that up.

                      My opinion - these posters who post rubbish and are trying to stir it up should be banned. Brings everything down to the gutter...


                      • #41
                        This thread is comical. Very rich coming from someone who has setup an account and copied someone else’s username as a means of trying to get some credibility. Almost as funny as my dodgy username which I use on CPFC.org.

                        Don't be idiots and believe a word of this. Do you seriously think Warnock would have come here under the Flavio era, let alone a silly smoke screen plot by the club to win us fans back on side. Really... This thread is laughable!

                        Paddy Kenny was brought for a fee, Sheffield Utd admitted that due to a clause in his contract being activated. Mackie too was brought for a fee so these two things alone proves how unpronounced this post really is!
                        Last edited by Dazzer1977; 12-07-2010, 11:14 AM.


                        • #42
                          Some fans only listen or read what they want to be true, facts don't come into it but another way to look at it is the fact it keeps some busy and brings spin.


                          • #43
                            Two types of rumour posters to ignore:

                            1) Posters that put a rumour up and then disappear....bit like chucking a grenade in and then leaving!
                            2) one line rumours which could mean absolutely anything...or nothing


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by James1979 View Post
                              Two types of rumour posters to ignore:

                              1) Posters that put a rumour up and then disappear....bit like chucking a grenade in and then leaving!
                              2) one line rumours which could mean absolutely anything...or nothing
                              3) Anything from Matt-chew


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by James1979 View Post
                                Two types of rumour posters to ignore:

                                1) Posters that put a rumour up and then disappear....bit like chucking a grenade in and then leaving!
                                2) one line rumours which could mean absolutely anything...or nothing
                                You mean like a Pete's "Which former Derby player would you like to see at Loftus Rd" type rumour?

