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the truth about england

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  • the truth about england

    Following from a mate of a mate so could be absolute shizzle but fyi

    The best (apparently true) explanation of the shite England performance so far...
    Courts have upheld a further two week gagging order on steve gerrards private life, turns out he got his wifes sister pregnant (not a 16 year old ). Will hit the newspaper in 14 days, the judge held the gagging order to protect FA while they decide on capello, and the future of English footy.
    John terry and the england boys all know about it and JT had a argument with capello because gerrard got to keep the captains armband. the tension in the camp was down to JT and half the team saying gerrard was a disgrace and the other half of the squad backing gerrard..The press conference was related to the tension and JT wanted Gerrard exposed - they hate each other.
    Rooney also shagged a prostitute and that coming out on Sunday - Fact

  • #2
    Can't wait to be enchanted further by the lives of those superior beings who bring so much to our humble little existence.


    • #3
      Originally posted by acricketer View Post
      Can't wait to be enchanted further by the lives of those superior beings who bring so much to our humble little existence.

      Should be fun.
      Work is the curse of the drinking classes. -Oscar Wilde.


      • #4
        I think you will find that this new "insight" is doing the rounds of most clubs messageboards.From mate,from News International, etc etc

        I suppose we will find out soon whether or not this is true.


        • #5
          And this explains why they are useless on the pitch how...?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Spencer View Post
            I think you will find that this new "insight" is doing the rounds of most clubs messageboards.From mate,from News International, etc etc

            I suppose we will find out soon whether or not this is true.
            They can't all be wrong then... can they?

            Sounds plausible enough.. especially the bit about Terry having a cry losing the captains armband.


            • #7
              Laughing stock all of them

              I blew a lot on vodka and tonic, gambling and fags. Looking back, I think I overdid it on the tonic. - The one and only Stanley Bowles


              • #8
                Originally posted by Stedders View Post
                And this explains why they are useless on the pitch how...?
                I suppose ...if the rumour is true....that they put people's private lives ahead of their proffessional career....Im not passing to you because you are supporting Terry.....Maybe that's how the first goal went in...Upson tried to cover terry as he liked Terry and not Stevie G....or Lampard wouldn't pass to Stevie as he is sharing Christine with John terry.And no one pased to Rooney as he is an ugly bar steward......

                Or - it could just be we were sh.t,clueless,crap,no good at football...


                • #9
                  Apprantly Gerrards wife doesnt have a sister.

                  Who knows eh. If so I will laugh. They are a joke


                  • #10
                    Whatever is going on in their private lives they should, as grown ups, put all that to one side and concentrate on their bloody jobs. If we all took our grievances and personal lives into work we wouldn't get anything done.

                    A World Cup every four years. The pinnacle of their footballing careers and they have to go around like kids not talking to each other.


                    • #11
                      I hate all of them....


                      • #12
                        Im not saying it isnt true but would Capello have not just resigned at the end of the World Cup blaming all the players private lives on affecting the squad in order to protect his rep, which is shot to pieces at the minute?


                        • #13
                          It's shizzle...

                          Does anyone really think the courts would take into consideration the FA when deciding on gagging orders. It's ****** that's been doing the rounds for months


                          • #14
                            gerrards missus took her wedding ring off months ago.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BuzsakyIsGod View Post
                              Apprantly Gerrards wife doesnt have a sister.

                              Who knows eh. If so I will laugh. They are a joke

                              She certainly does!!!! Was in the press recently out on the town with Alex!!!!

                              The Bread Mans Blue and White Army

