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how do you honestly think rangers will do next season

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  • #76
    Just noticed that he payed £1,850,000 for Luton Shelton


    • #77
      bumping for the white city general and others.


      • #78
        Haha some tw@t put relegated. Oh deary me.


        • #79
          ha ha ha.
          it was my first ever poll and i didnt know you could make them public and see who voted what at the time, i wish i did know tho, so i could toast the other 8 people who had the faith with mr little old doom and gloom me.


          • #80
            Monumental paradigmatic shift.
            Banning people is no longer my hobby,
            but take a look at my photo blog:


            How and why did I start supporting QPR in Estonia:


            • #81
              Haha GTP, your mate The general will be p issing his pants now


              • #82
                This is hilarious and ironically 3 of the more positive posts on this thread were actually produce by 3 of our serial whingers now

                Originally posted by paulmason View Post
                If we play our best players as a team, with players played in their favored positions, we might do very well. But as England found out, if you play unfit players because of theur name and playing players out of positions like Gerrard on the Left wing, we will be mid table mugs again.
                You got your wish Mr Mason plus more....still not happy?

                Originally posted by Rebel R's View Post
                If we get Taarabt and a decent striker,the play offs should be a minimium target
                Well you also got your wish Matt-Chew though I wouldn't regard Hulse as a decent striker now but many were very happy when he signed probably including yourself. However, we have been sitting in the top 2 all season with an 'average' strike force so its neither here nor there.

                Originally posted by vblockranger View Post
                the three who voted for top two automatic are either joking or pissed.

                I bet the new board wished there were a few more supporters like them though :-)
                You can be forgiven for your doubts....still funny as **** though

                Originally posted by G.T.P View Post
                im pleasantly pleased with the poll tho.
                proves there is more positivity for rangers and this season on this board than negativity. which is blinding cos i seriously thought it was the other way around.
                And now onto Mr I can never make up my mind, I'm glad you were pleased with the positivity surrounding this thread. Now why not take some of your own advice and be a bit more positive yourself.

                This poll proves so much and why we should all be smilling now.
                Last edited by The White City General; 21-02-2011, 01:21 PM.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by The White City General View Post
                  This is hilarious and ironically 3 of the more positive posts on this thread were actually produce by 3 of our serial whingers now

                  You got your wish Mr Mason plus more....still not happy?

                  Well you also got your wish Matt-Chew though I wouldn't regard Hulse as a decebnt striker now but many were very happy when he signed probably including yourself. However, we have been sitting in the top 2 all season with an 'average' strike force so its neither here nor there.

                  Your can be forgiven for your doubts....still funny as **** though

                  And now onto Mr I can never make up my mind, I'm glad you were pleased with the positivity surrounding this thread. Now why not take some of your own advice and be a bit more positive yourself.

                  This poll proves so much and why we should all be smilling now.
                  Drama Queen, I was right then and I am right now.


                  • #84
                    Also dont think warnock will be in charge if we **** it up from here on


                    • #85
                      Vblock rangers response was a classic.
                      Everybody is pissed!, have been since
                      the start of the season!


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View Post
                        Jeffro, its the same kind of people who i was sitting with watching the match in the pub yesterday coming out with these ridiculous boasts like "england to win 3-0" - based on nothing but blind hope.
                        har har!!!



                        • #87
                          Originally posted by SpankwiR View Post
                          Is that the same as the German's far weaker squad that thumped England because they play as a team and work for each other with a manager who has passion and a desire to win!

                          I'm sick of the moaners on this website we have been sh*t for years and this is the first time I reckon we might actually have a good season so by all means express your opinion but if someone is optomistic dont call them dreamers!
                          and Jefro thinks Billy Davies is a better manager than Warnock..
                          Off with his head!


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Shania View Post

                            Not bad!:shy:
                            Best team in the world
                            Sort of


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by maccatwo View Post
                              Really do believe we be top 2
                              Top 2 here we come

