hey all, long time reader, first time poster.
Sitting here at work bored so thought i'd have a stab at getting a thread going.
Having read all the doom and gloom posts of late, mostly about some bloke from palarse who had one good season it got me thinking. Perhaps we are to be totally underwelmed by the signings to come but maybe just maybe Mr Warnock is a master at getting the best out of really bad players, he may have researched the players at his disposal and found how to motivate them. Take for instance Helguson
Now generally the guy can't hit a barn door, run 10 yards or stay on side, But if Warnock were to arm the people sitting behind the goal in the lower loft with meat pies and reveil them everytime helg points towards goal, hey presto hatrick.
Faurlin, is a class act, could be made better by Warnock standing on the sidelines with hair clippers pointing towards that mullit.
Vine, if Warnock were to get the whole of SA and ellersie to point in the direction of the goal Vine is supposed to be attacking he might actually run in the right direction
Agyemang... well nobody's that good,don't think warnock could do anything there
Anyone else got any ideas
Above all cheer up, yes so far our signings have been disappointing but it could be worse. We Could be fake chelsea supporters
Sitting here at work bored so thought i'd have a stab at getting a thread going.
Having read all the doom and gloom posts of late, mostly about some bloke from palarse who had one good season it got me thinking. Perhaps we are to be totally underwelmed by the signings to come but maybe just maybe Mr Warnock is a master at getting the best out of really bad players, he may have researched the players at his disposal and found how to motivate them. Take for instance Helguson
Now generally the guy can't hit a barn door, run 10 yards or stay on side, But if Warnock were to arm the people sitting behind the goal in the lower loft with meat pies and reveil them everytime helg points towards goal, hey presto hatrick.
Faurlin, is a class act, could be made better by Warnock standing on the sidelines with hair clippers pointing towards that mullit.
Vine, if Warnock were to get the whole of SA and ellersie to point in the direction of the goal Vine is supposed to be attacking he might actually run in the right direction
Agyemang... well nobody's that good,don't think warnock could do anything there
Anyone else got any ideas
Above all cheer up, yes so far our signings have been disappointing but it could be worse. We Could be fake chelsea supporters