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  • #16
    we will sell 9,000 imo.
    Cant believe it, ive been PWOPER MUGGED ORF...


    • #17
      One things for sure, IF we do go up you'll definitely be wanting to have a Season Tkt because with our small stadium it's gonna be tough getting Tkts for a lot of the games - Why not extend the early bird and let people pay in Instalments, half this side of Christmas & the rest after ? If we're doing well, which we are being led to believe we will, they'll definitely get people going for the second half of the Season, so they'll know money will be coming.

      Or, Season Ticket this Year and you'll pay same price next year WHEN (+Ve thinking) we get promoted. That would be 15% off last Seasons Tkt prices, if we go over 9,000, for Premier League Footie - now that's what I call an incentive - they'd recoup some of the money by having more people here this Season.

      Also, why not state that anyone with an early bird Season Tkt will be able to purchase match day Tkts for friends/relatives with a % off of the normal price and the more bought the bigger the discount - this would hopefully encourage the fans to return and build the fan base and atmosphere back up.

      As they say,U've got to speculate to accumulate.

      Pack em back in Lakshmi me old son and let's get the place rocking again - We'll blow the roof off like the League 1 promotion year.

      Come on U Supa.........


      • #18
        There's no reason for them to make it up, loads more will go once the signings start that's for sure (well aslong as we don't re-sign Priskin or those 2 muppets from Wolves!)
        Ramage for England


        • #19
          Originally posted by W10 RANGER View Post
          if its true the club sold 4,500 already then that is an achievement
          not knocking the club but let's be honest, it's not that much of an achievement, really. to put it into perspective, norwich have sold near on 4 times that amount already. i think we'll struggle to get to 9,000 basically becaue they're priced wrong.


          • #20
            Originally posted by baille funk View Post
            not knocking the club but let's be honest, it's not that much of an achievement, really. to put it into perspective, norwich have sold near on 4 times that amount already. i think we'll struggle to get to 9,000 basically becaue they're priced wrong.

            Not a fair comparison at all. norwich "CITY" have a massive catchment area with a huge potential regional fanbase as opposed to us in West London competing with many other (mostly Premier League) clubs. Anyway who cares what everyone else does it just matters whats happening at W12. Well done QPR another move which reflects the "fan friendly" directors now in charge at LR

            In Warnock we Trust

            The Bread Mans Blue and White Army


            • #21
              Originally posted by oldhoop View Post
              Not a fair comparison at all. norwich CITY have a massive catchment area with a huge regional fanbase as opposed to us in West London competing with many other (mostly Premier League) clubs. Anyway who cares what everyone else does it just matters whats happening at W12. Well done QPR another move which reflects the "fan friendly" directors now in charge at LR

              In Warn**** we Trust
              well said oldhoop
              "birch said he rated u btw luke, congrats"


              • #22
                Just got my season ticket over the phone. Waited for over 5 mins so they must be busy. Bloke at the other end said he wasn't allowed to say how much we'd sold but 4k was in the right ball park.

